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A fantastic pixel entry

You are one of the kings of pixel and you bring it to the film side of things love what you do with color in this one, great music too this is actually really nice I like pxel and you have really pushed this to the top I say that this submission is pretty magnificent in its own right hope we see many more like this in the future as these pixel related films are really nice, anyways nice efforts here.



This was actually a pretty cute film here I like the random color and cute characters and some fun music to go with it, Something I have wanted to say throughout this review is that you do keep it exciting and entertaining, for a movie submission this had its good and bad moments for the most part the good out-weighed everything else overall it was a solid movie here.


SmoothE responds:

ty!! really glad you liked the silly characters and music choices, i'm very glad i was able to entertain you whatsoever, thank you so much!!

Love the randomness

For me this one had some randomness yes even the turkey element but the detail within the characters was nice, Here is one of those films that it is good stuff right from the start, So I have been writing this review and come to enjoy this flick as you have really set the tone since the start, I have really come to a liking of this submission of yours keep that up in the future.


PointedTree responds:

Thankyou much! I do intend to continue


LOL Will say I did get a good laugh out of this it was very random but got a few chuckles out of it all you created some nice random scenes and characters did wish this was a tad longer but besides all that a fun film here.


Pixel Mania

I remember kid nikki I think, but anyways you had some nice action in this one really good effects too was a tad short though, A nice Pixel Movie thats what I would say pixel is never easy but this was a good pixel film here Pixel Mania is what I may call it and its really nice to see all the pixel in a movie form so really nice work here some nice detail and you make a good story here.



A very short flick here more like a clip but will say the character was well done and some nice voices for the character you created a nice little film here would love to see it in an extended amount of scenes like a movie and such.


Nice action

First off really great music and it fits the action cute character with an evil side, also nice use of color here, I am generally not a fan of these types but I have to say I may be now lol, I am pretty suprised I was glad that this was better then I had expected, ou have made it interesting and didnt bore me at all and that all said this was a nifty find in the portal today.


Gotta love pixel films

Pixel and pico and a fun song here lol Cant go wrong with some pixel its a nice visual with some nifty details you have some good ideas here and it really does showcase well, Gotta love pixel films I know I do and I do enjoy this flick here you have as its pretty entertaining and is very nifty with all the nice visuasl, so really nice work here.



A pixel trip or a pixel trap lol, no but really it was pretty amazing with all the colors and such, really enjoyed what you presented here in this very fun pixel film, pixelated elements and visuals are fun while might not be easy to produce but you really made a fun movie here and I for sure have been impressed with the pixel element here make more of this style soon.


Nice detail

So this little film gives you some very creative character and some uniique and vibrant color added too a nice story theme too, You have really made this one an enjoyment There is alot of potential within this and I would love to see that excell to higher hights, I would call this cutting edge and ritzy, you have turbo charged it to full throttle and thats what I liked about this.


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