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((( NOTBAD )))

Well notbad, it was cool, still needs somework though, see,s like you put alot of time into this but could still present more detail...

DETAIL: Little things like in the backrounds and effects here and there could make it greatly improved...

Its notbad though, hope to see more soon...


RicPendragon responds:

hope you enjoy the series

((( COOL )))

Haha this is cool, kinda reminds me of a certain movie but still neat, thaught the size could come down abit heh...

SIZE: could come down somewhat for us 56k-ers...

LOCK DAY: Haha must be lockday, notbad on the flash keep it up...


((( COOL )))

Well notbad, i liked it, its sorta like a slide show, people tend to not like slide shoes and what not, but still it was neat, the music was great flowed well with the graphics...

Size: The file size was abit much, mostly due to the large scale of the images, you could make them somewhat smaller for a better dl size for viewers...

Music: I liked the music like i said it flowed well, nice work here, i was happy with it and enjoyed it, keep it up...


((( DECENT )))

Well notbad, its cool, the starting was somewhat bland, and you used just basic colors, i would suggest add some more shading to your color tones, for a better effect...

Nice work overall, kinda cool, just needs abit of detail...


((( AWSOME )))

Wow that really was killer to the bone haha, loved your style of art and detail of the eye...

The file was somewhat large for my 56k but still was something els, hope to see more soon, and congrats on the award...


((( NICE )))

This was cool, i love the effecst like the shine off the weapons, the animation was nice and smooth...

the flash presented a dark feel which was cool, i liked it, you could improve it by adding voice dialog, the fight was great though, keep it up...


Xionico responds:

thanks a lot, im glad u liked it, i wilñl look foward voice dialog in the next movie XD

((( DECENT )))

Haha i like the idea, but could still use some work, the best part of this was the audio, it really kept me on it, animating and other things could be improved though, still good idea though...


((( AWSOME )))


That was funny as hell and i was not expecting that of the carret, the audio was just perfect, like with the bouncing of the rabbit haha, and then the slight randomness made it all perfect...

The ending was great and kept me laughing haha, anyways nice work indeed, keep it up...


((( HAHA )))

Hey that was funny, i couldent stop laughing haha, and great voices for the characters...

The artwork on the characters was cool aswell, very unique and cool, lots of detail...

It was somewhat short but i was well entertained, very pleased, i hope you make more soon...


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Age 51, Male


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