
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( AWESOME )))

Wow, this is an awesome animation you have here, the detail, and the effort you put into this is great. The animations were good, and i liked the way you have created your characters in this. The sounds, and music was clear, and it sounded really nice. The story about the coffee was funny, and a bit sad, it was good...


((( GREAT )))

This was a great animation you had here, i like the humor you had in it, and the detail was good. The animations were good, and i like how much effort you have put into this. The music was nice, and went good with the fight scenes. The story was funny, and this was really a great animation...


((( AMAZING )))

Whoa, this was an amazing animation, i like the detail, and style you have here, and your characters are really cool. The music was good, and was clear in this. The animations were good, but a bit slow, maybe next time you could speed it up a bit, but its good, you have some awesome drawing skills, and it was just awesome to watch...


((( WOW )))

Wow, this looks to be a good animation, i like how you have a noir setting done well, and the animations you have here are really good. The style you have is awesome, and i like the characters you have created in this. The music goes well with this. The story is good so far, and i hope to see more soon...



Hmm this is a good animation music video for the song you have here, i like how you animated it well to the lyrics, and the music sounded pretty good. The animations were simple, maybe next time you could draw your own characters instead of sticks, and add more detail, but it was an interesting animation...


((( COOL )))

Wow, this is a really nice collab of frame by frame work you have here, i like how each person had their own style, and how well this all went to the beat of the music. The music was good, and really clear. The animations were smooth, and had good detail in them, this was cool to watch...


((( AWESOME )))

That was an awesome animation, i like how detailed all this is, and the effort you all put into this really shows. The animations are good, and i like how you have a lot of different styles in this animation. The music was great, and fit well with the fighting game theme you have, this was a really interesting, and cool animation...

Keep up the good work...


Xionico responds:

wow thanks a lot man =D, im glad u liked it all

((( HEH )))

This is a pretty ok animation you have here, i like the story you had in this, and how it ended was really funny, i also like how you did a decent job for your second animation. The music, and sound effect were just like in the classic games, and were good. The sprites move well, but you needed more in your background at times, maybe next time you could add more to it, but it was still good...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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