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((( OK )))

This was ok, i like how well detailed the backgrounds are in this, and the main character looks pretty cool. The animations are nice, and you have some good shading in this. The music is ok, but loops a lot, so maybe next time you could fix it so it does not loop, and get a better play button, because that one did have an error in it, but its still good so far...


((( DECENT )))

Well this is pretty decent for your first animation on NG, i like the way you have some good frame by frame in here, and the story was pretty good too, i also liked that it was not too short, and how it is entertaining. The music was good. The animations were pretty decent too, but maybe next time you could add more detail to the backgrounds, and make characters instead of using sticks, its still ok though...


((( ROFFL )))

Haha, that was some great funny stuff, i like the way you have outtakes, and how you make fun of DDR, Star Wars, and many other things. The animations were really good, and have lots of detail in them, your effort you put into this animation really shows. The music was good, and i enjoyed watching this very much indeed...


((( SHORT )))

It was a bit too short, but it was still pretty good, i like the style in this the most, and your characters look pretty cool, you have nice drawing skills. The animations are smooth, and detailed, and you did a great job on the violence. There was not much story since it was only a first scene, but i hope to see more soon, because it did look really cool...


((( COOL )))

Wow great style, i like how well it looks in this animation, and the way you have animated the fighting was pretty cool. The music was clear, and that was good. The graphics are ok, but your blood looks a bit off, maybe next time you could work on that, it still looks ok though. The story was interesting so far, and i hope to see the rest soon...


HighDefinition responds:

Awesome, a constructive review from NG's #1 reviewer. I'm flattered with your insightful comments! I did my best with different visual perspectives and expect them to be more dramatic in the next.

I shall pay vigilant attention to blood details & margins in the foreseeable future - and I will work hard towards a really polished storyline (but will also require patience and time well spent), indeed.

Thankyou for ur kind words

((( HAHA )))

This was a pretty funny animation, i like the idea you made for using the clocks that are about food to be eaten like food. The humor in this was the best part, and the sound was good too. The graphics need a lot more detail, but it still looked good for the joke your were making here...


((( COOL )))

Good job for your first claymation, i like the way you have so much detail in this claymation, and the way you animation the characters was good. The story was funny, and i like how you set it up to be like a classic tv show. The sound was nice, a bit sratchy at times, but it was still good. The detail in this was really good, and i hope to see more of these soon...


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