
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( HEH )))

Well, this was an ok animation, i like the comedy you have here, and the pictures were funny too. The music was nice, and that song was a bit funny, i laughed a bit at it. The idea behind this is ok, but i have seen many animations like this before, but it was still cool, and had a good humor...


((( GOOD )))

This was a pretty good sprite movie, i like how you animated your sprites, and the way you have them talk just like in video games. The story in pretty interesting, and i like the way you have set everything in this up. The music was clear, and your sound effects went well with the fighting sceens, good job so far...


Majin-vegeta7 responds:


((( CUTE )))

It was cute, i like the way you have him fight apples that was really funny hehe, i also like the way you have the music in this, and how it goes with the animation, but it could have used some sound effect, it was still ok though. The sprites were animated really well, but the text looked to plain, maybe next time you could add more to the text, but it's a ok job so far...


((( DECENT )))

Hmm this was a decent video collection you have here, i like the humor in some of them, and how you had a background was pretty cool. The sound was a bit scratchy, but it still sounded ok. The interectivity in here was really nice, and i like how you organized it all...


((( AMAZING )))

Wow, this was an amazing animation. The effects were done very well indeed, and i like the way you have put subtitles under the animations so you can know exactly whats being said. The music, and sound is great, and the voices were cool. The story was interesting, and very funny at some points...

Keep up the good work...


((( COOL )))

Awesome detail, i really like how you put all this together, and the story for this was really funny indeed. The sound was really clear, and it all sounded great. The animations are smooth, and i like how you set up the dog show crowd, and the dog were animated pretty good, you drew you characters really nice. The humor was cool, and that was the best part in this animations, i hope to see more of these soon...


mom-at-noevil responds:

Thanks alot! Keep on eating them up, we'll make more!

((( AWSOME )))

This is awsome, it has its little areas that could be more refines and detailed but overall it was very nice indeed, i was impressed, the only thing i would suggest would be to lower the file size abit if its possible, it always helpsout for the view with the 56k connections...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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