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Nice one

This was a nice film kind of reminds me of a music video and as I get more into it it really is like a music video lol, A fun film indeed lots of nice color and good animation too, I say this has some good heart flavor about it and really has some nice details a fun film indeed here, You have made something solid here great visuals all throughout the whole film so nice job indeed.


Nice idea

This was a really nice idea here, You are on the mark with this movie flick, so I was glad I had a chance to see this because you really sparked my interest here, lots of details to see within the structure and the happenings of his life and seemed to all come together some nice little details to enjoy wish this was a tad longer, as you have some really nice animation and artwork here.


This was a nice

I like that this was black and white seems like it could be longer and more animation scenes and even longer scenes, An amazing submission this was, There was some quality to ths film and it shows, But would love to see this excell even more, but regardless this was pretty good, It brings on some nice animation and pretty smooth just wish it was a tad longer, anyways good stuff.


Love it

The texture and dark element on this was really nice it was somewhat short and would have loved even more scenes with some added action even would have been a plus, but your style of art and detail with props and character work is amazing, This is a decent concept and you should keep up with that and you have cleverly used some nice effects and elements to make this a good submission, anyways make more sometime.



This was kind of funny some good visuals and some nice animation allthough seems like animation could have been smoother somehow, was kind of like a music video but still entertaining, A fantastic visual of a flick here, I was pretty taken back with what you have presented here there was alot to see and some amazing visuals, But anyways I had fun with this one make more soon.


Beautiful work

Right from the start this was solid work, from the rain or the glow effect or them jumping into action, Would love to see you make a little series out of this one, interesting things you presented here, But for me this was not half bad had some interesting points and could be better in other areas, but regardless this was a great entry with some really nifty elements and great visuals I like the style you have created here, anyways keep making awsome stuff.


Nice idea

You have some very good art style nice detail and shading is a plus aswell as effects great sound, the idea with letters was nice, There is no suprise here what you have here is something different and unique in its own way, a very unique stylish and creative blend of film here, I think you could even advance on this film with some added episodes of some sort here anyways nice work.


Wow intense

This was pretty intense you really bring some realistic scene from the games and such makes for a fun film here, What a wonderful find here in the portal I will just say this that this was not awful infact it was pretty decent it had some odd moments but had some decent moments aswell, Nice scnes good art style all seemed to come together in a good film here so nice work.


Nice action

This one had some nice action scene some intense effects and that really came through well from each new scene, I do wish this was longer though and even more dialog, What a great film here it was a pleasure to review this one as there was some really nice visuals going on here, It was a fun little flick with great action loved every bit of it so do make more sometime soon.



This was a pretty intense film allthough somewhat short and could be slightly longer but the audio along with the animation worked so well and was pretty impressed very nice character work too keep the momentum going I must say this was pretty good and I found it to be an entertaining one so keep that up and keep up and hope you make even more like this for us all to enjoy.


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