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((( GREAT )))

Haha this was great, and it was like a real movie with the ending credits and images, but as for the flash great stuff, awsome voices and funny jokes, great art work with realistic detail, love dthis flash, very funny indeed...


((( HEH )))

Funny and made me laugh haha, somewhat random but very funny, loved the different voices and the random jpegs, along with some strange backround music made for some funny humor so notbad, haha...


((( COOL )))

Great intro hehe, never seen that version before, As for the flash it was short but also random, and the guy coming out of the cannon was great haha, love the neat looking style of clocks, anyways nice work...


CabbageClock responds:

((( THANKS )))


((( DOH )))

Haha ok what was that like 10 seconds or something hehe, ok a guy that runs fast that was the plot, sigh well it was clear that he did run fast, i dont know about it beeing an acual flash with art but i guess it was something hehe...


((( CUTE N FUNNY )))

Very cute like, but amused me enough, the smooth design of the main characrers was cool, allthough this started to get abit strange with the sound on and off, and very confusing, it was funny though and entertained me...


((( HAHA )))

OK now this one made me laugh alot, the simple like art characters and kiddish voices made for a funny flash, it was short but i could see this as becoming a very funny series, you may want to add some propper "PLAY" and "REPLAY" buttons since this one didnt have any...


((( OK )))

This was cool for the music alone, also the animating was notbad, and very smooth could use of some more color though and maybe some more effects like in the backround or something, anyways it was decent so notbad at all...


((( COOL )))

I lke the buttons of pause and play, but you should add a fast forward aswell, as for the story, great music to give it suspense, seemed abit short though, and those characters need more depth to them, not so much box like bodies, and maybe some voice dial-og, anyways nice story, hope to see more soon...


lightningbomb responds:

thanks for the tips! :)

((( HAHA )))

Well notbad, these characters are simple but still are bruaght to life on the flash screen giving then great character, and makes for a flash i wouldnt mind seeing in a series of episodes, say like 10-15 hehe, anyways funny voices and decent humor so notbad, hope to see more soon...


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