First of all great flash you have presented here, I was facinated with everything here, now some parts could be better and there could be some new ideas and adjustments but I really enjoyed it for what it was, and hope to see much more of your work soon. So starting off here is always hard but to get the ball rolling, I really did enjoy your presentation. Sonic shorts are always amusing and I found this one to be just as amusing always with some decent sprites and fast animation it all seemed to come together in a fun little animation. But anyways you have some good work here allthough some more effort for better improvment could be done for an overall better out come, Its not perfect but is ok for what you did supply in content, so on that part of stuff it was notbad at all. Infact I really came to enjoy this for all the elements of fun you added so nice work on this.
So what we have here is something different infact I would probably call it a masterpiece of effort and design, You can even improve on some thngs to improve on parts of this to make it even better. I may have some ideas that can help. Maybe adding more explosions and more "ACTION" like scenes so you can push up the entertainment level.