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This was like a nice little flick here kind of short but I do enjoy the black and white theme here and the characters are cute wish this was longer it was amusing and well nice job on this movie submission, Keep at it and keep making fun films like this in the future.



The film is nice the art is dark the voive work is good, You have really made this one an enjoyment There is alot of potential within this and I would love to see that excell to higher hights, I would call this cutting edge and ritzy, you have turbo charged it to full throttle and thats what I liked about this, I do think adding on some subtitles would be a plus on this film, I really like the character work too, wouldnt mind more backround lighting effects and such, but overall this was pretty awsome stuff.


Simple and fun

This was a simple and fun film you have created here I love the colorfull band of characters, the animation like of them running was really nice and you bring on some interesting effects too, My onlything is I wish this was longeer maybe some added scenes and more dialog element, but besides all that you have created a fun and simple film here almost like a music video type.


The start of this was just as great as the ending, I must say the Voice work was amazing I still think some added subtitles would be nice, great character work too, good job This was alot of things enticing and was a good discovery, I was most amazed with all the little stuff this film has to offer, you gave it just the right groove so hope to see more like this soon.



The art in this is so rich very deep textured and on top of that the wild scenes and beautiful smooth animation works so well would have liked it to be even longer but you have some amazing animation here, I did get some entertainment value from it good entry here it was pretty interesting and there was some interesting visuals, anyways keep up the amazing work of art and film animation.



I found this film to be pretty unique especially the characters and the character details voices are notbad maybe adding some subtitles would be a plus for this toon, And a great find if I do say so myself, it was a movie entry I would recommend to others in an instant, while I continue on with this movie I find it to be a good quality experience and look forward to more, So keep doing what you do it was a pleasure.


Good film

The voices and sound/FX came off very well and you have some nice work on this film great character detail and a good story theme, I had fun with this and while not revolutionary I love the idea, I do hope to see more from you this was a good all around solid animation entry, Alright you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you made here today a great find indeed.



This was cool and was kind of like a comic with the text bubbles and such, the art detail on the characters was pretty good, You have really made this one an enjoyment There is alot of potential within this and I would love to see that excell to higher hights, I would call this cutting edge and ritzy, you have turbo charged it to full throttle and thats what I liked about this, you showcase some nice talents and make for something good here a fine film indeed, make more soon.


TCDubs responds:

Thank you so much for your opinion, that's what moves me to make more content :D


Well I did find that entertaining was rather short though almost feel like you could have made it slightly longer maybe with a bit more about the portal and such, but it was good some funny character quick and to the point it seems still had some fun with this one, besides all that mentioned I did enjoy your little flick here so please do make more sometime soon.


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