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((( OK )))

Funny but short, and in the end somewhat sick, also you have very bland backrounds, you could improve on them and the flash with a longer story, better backrounds and more sound, notbad though...



Well this was interesting, somewhat funny, but it lacked in good quality artwork, the characters were ok but lacked style, more character like characters would be better, and more emotion in the voices would be greatly improved...


((( FUNNY )))

Well notbad, this was funny, the artwork was smooth looking and the animation was smooth aswell, the sound well it had some ok sound/FX, the story well it kept me interested but ran to short the end was interesting giving the viewer to expect in the next one, so notbad work, hope to see more soon...


((( OK )))

Well notbad, but way to short, some of the graphics was ok like the weapons, the sticks were ok but not much else here to comment on, the backrounds were bland, and this could be a clip of many short animations that you could send in rather then just by itself...


((( CUTE )))

Haha this was cute, cute but entertaining the flash was also very random which in somecases is ok but this was strange hehe, the clip in the flash was funny, i did laugh with it, but this flash needs more then just random and the music could be changed for a better feel to the flash...


((( NICE WORK )))

Wow i was impressed with this, most for the backround effects and music, but really making a decent flash, abit short but looked very well put together, and along with the music it was well balanced, could have had some more story like some dialog but it was decent work...


WinchesterLock responds:

thanks, and the reason I didn't add a lot of dialogue was because I pretty much expressed everything I felt like saying at the end :\

((( DECENT )))

Well notbad, this was decent, i liked it because it started off right away with a good fight scene and had some really nice backrounds, and the music was good and flowed well, but... yes there is always a butt, anyways it ended short and left me hanging wanting more, this should have been longer with more story and detail and depth, but maybe you will make more, anyways nice work...


iPWNd responds:

Haha, I dont check old entry's much, but thanks. I do have a number 3 out, and a awesome number 4 coming (this new one is going to kick the shit out of all my other ones).


This was very good, i like how smooth it is and it moved from one scene to the next, and great looking characters all with good detail and depth, and awsome backrounds, it made me laugh at times which is the point i think, but overall i liked it so notbad, hope to see more soon...


((( OK )))

Well notbad, but it wasent much and very short if you ask me, also it needs some propper buttons, as for the flash it was about Brit doing some pee again hehe i guess its somewhat funny but could be alot better...


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