
20,787 Movie Reviews

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Pube the adventure begins

Pube Muppet On The Bus the bus driver was funny lol some subtitles would be nice wish people made more stuff like this while these are classics today, Pube the adventure begins haha a great classic indeed, I had a pleasure reviewing this pube classic of a flick, so anyways it was with great fun to have seen your work here.


Pube muppet at his best

Ohmy he meets god that one is interesting lol you have impressed me with this classic pube film, This was pube mupet at its best cant go wrong with a character like pube muppet, some really good points of entertainment and just all around fun flick you have created here so nice job indeed.



I love how fast these go and all the use of color is really nice you have also added some nice music, ofcourse here on this commentary you have shown me the positives of your works like this one and have to say your work here today was amazing.


Random and cute

So this was a fun little animation some cute characters and seemed to move fast too wish it was a tad longer but overall it was cute and fun, its some what differant but has an exciting feel and touch here, anyways amazing work here, nice animation here.


Very nice

The animation was nice and went by pretty fast you really made it jump fast but flowed nice with color and just a fun music video style vibe, Now this is a movie I can sink my teeth into, so you have done a good job here and I enjoyed my time reviewing this and overall its a great film you have here, So I do love the music video style here you really gave it some nice vibe.


Love it

I love the deep purple on this that theme is working well some nice sound/FX and music also a nice touch A fantastic flick you hav created here so from the get-go I really thought this was good and I was unexpectedly taken back with how good it really was, so that for sure shows your effort and time put into this Well so its not all the time you see movie works like this especially in a movie form so I was actually suprised with how you presented this nice energy here.


Oh nice

Wow you were one of my first people I found about 20 years ago here on the grounds if i remember correctly so it was nice seeing you create something again and this was pretty funny and cute What a brilliant element of a film you have here overall I found this to be pretty good.


I like this

I do love this film the quality is pretty amazing seems like there could be some dialog or something to add in there but love the different scenes and such, Its not all the time that one comes across a movie submission like this one, You have some nice talents and seem to make this work very well.



You have done some amazing work here and this film was unique and different I have even added it as one of my faves, A submission for the ages The animation is nice its actually fantastic work and is in a pretty good shape of quality, It does have some interesting and entertaining things about it, I really like the depth and detail from scene to scene with a nice style here so awsome work



Glad I found this film here has some interesting visuals here Its hard to get this started off with the right words but I will say that I did enjoy it I found this one to be pretty funny love the use of color and the voice work was pretty amazing a good idea with this toon.


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