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((( COOL )))

Well notbad, it s funny, i like the pool the finger and the meet FDA fan haha that one was funny with really great artwork and all, so much detail, the game or flash this was really neat and cool, would have liked to see more funny options but was cool, so notbad at all....


((( STRANGE )))

Haha ok this was strange and very odd, the audio alone was conusion, there was a slight uniqe-ness to the artwork like almost a 3d reflection or something but still odd and strange, as for the flash with more confusing and stramge thats about all i got from it...


((( COOL )))

This was short but was very neat, i like how it is in black and white style and giving a sorta meaning with the dripping of the blood and with the music it set the tone of the feeling it represents, there could have been some more detail, maybe even making the blood red and the rest black and white could have been cool, but overall it was neat so nice indeed, keep up the great flashworks...


Magosis responds:

thanks for the praise this was origionaly done for the black and white artist colaberation in 2004, but it was not accepted into the main peice so i submitted it as a seperate project.

((( SHORT )))

Well it was short, and a guy goes up to a machine and it hits him in the groin area, hehe sorta funny, could use some better art and could be longer like more with why he cant get the soda and whatnot, and more funny aswell, just the can flying out is ok but needs more...


((( UM OK )))

Well just some text forming across the screen, and not much more then that, you could have presented it better maybe some color and abit more animation but it is your flash, anyways better luck next time...



Haha this was funny and with the rainbow it was funnier haha, funny characters but was cool, nice job on filling the whole screen, could be longer with more story and whatnot but was neat, and made me laugh so notbad at all...


((( AWSOME )))

AWsome stuff, sometimes the bigger files really are better and badder, as this one which was really good from the start to the finish, the amount of interest that it keeps is great so it has much replay value and an award nice job, good for your school me thinks, anyways awsome work keep it up...


((( HAHA )))

Well ill admit it was funny and did make me laugh somewhat, the face was funny on the guy but the voice well it was odd, and while you did forwarn me its still strange but all together with the images it was ok i supose, hope to see better stuff soon...


((( COOL )))

Notbad its neat, as for a preview it could show more stuff, but its neat with the characters and all, the story does well and seems funny enough, and the graphics look decent aswell, so notbad at all looking forward to more of the action...


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