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((( GOOD CLAY )))

Haha this was good, the white clay is cool because most clay films have them as blue, but anyways the voices were good but got abit static at the end there, probably yelling into the mic, as for the humor it made me laigh mainly the ending with the "MY BROTHER" haha, anyways good clay action, keep it up...


neonfox3 responds:

i kinda think blue claymen are retarded

((( HAHA )))

Haha ok that was funny, and with the fish even better im not sure what biscuit wandeling is but it was funny and cite art made it refreshing, the commentary was neat and made it that much more funny, so nice work it gave me a few chuckles....


((( HAHA COOL )))

Wow that was very good very fast music alng with very fast animation, and such detail in backrounds and characters, lots of great scenes and even some cool looking guns, as for a preview it stood up to its name gives the viewer what to expect in the full version and keeps the viewer very interested, so cant wait for the full version, great work on this one...


((( SMOOTH )))

Very nice, this was smooth on the animation and along with the nice music it was cool, i love how there is no color it gives it a unique sense of srt syle, allthough a drop of color would have added to the effet, maybe add a play button at the start as i didnt see one, it was just running already, anyways nice job...


((( HAHA )))

Funny but needs more effort and more work, you also want to add a preloader and propper buttons like a play and replay button, the artwork was very simple, if you take time and read up on some tutorials you will find some good ways of improving and making better characters, anyways good luck...


((( CUTE )))

Heh this was a cute flash, and neat how it starts out very bland and walks right into the flash portal haha, does a few slices with the Sword then its done, this has potention like move onto other areas and do more sliceing but maybe bring in other characters to fight and whatnot, but overall was funny and entertaining...


((( OK )))

Well notbad, kinda cool the way you started it and even better how you ended it, seemed abit short, but the backrounds were ok but could be greatly improved, and other props were ok, but there could be more, maybe make more like this but with a more of a plot feel to it nice job on this...


((( FUNNY )))

This was funny, even if it was sticks, nice option of having different clips and options, makes it have variaty, and a more entertaining flash, the guy looks abit pathetic, like very sad and he seems to know he is gonna get hurt, heh anyways decent stick death flash, keep it up...


PiGPEN responds:

Umm, did you even bother to watch it all? Its not really a "stick death flash".


Good job on the voices to really make the characters come alive, and with something like as simple as a hat you made it so much more and made me laugh, also abit random with some other clips so nice work indeed, and decent artwork, but most of all good voicing, so keep up the great flash works...


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