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((( NEAT )))

You are right about it being short and all, the "LIGHT SABRES" Reminded me of Starwars hehe, anyways as for the "CONTENT" well it was just very short and could have been much better with more "STORY" and more "SCENES" as it was good and showed some effort could be more then just a short....


((( HAHA OK )))

This was an odd flash, with odd music, the "CARTOON" part of it all was good and it had abit of story to it and all, the "CARACTERS" were in need of some better color and more detail within there bidy and head designs, the "ENDING" of the flash with the scary jpegs and all was ok but more of a funny thing then scary....


((( NOTBAD )))

Wow, very nice "TRAILER" shows lots of great footage, aswell as some great "MUSIC" that really set the mood for the trailer, it was not to long nor to short but just right, and really made it feel like a real movie so nice work, keep it up....


((( NICE WORK )))

Notbad, the 3d swift was cool at the start, but as for the sticks they were abit odd with the 3d, as for the "VOICES" notbad but when the one stick yells you can hear the "STATIC", its a good start but could be improved in areas, hope to see more soon....


((( DECENT )))

This was decent, but could use much more, first of all the "B&W" is cool but could be improved with a pich of color here and there, even in the "BACKROUNDS" and making some backround scenes other then just "BLANK" ones would be greatly improved, As for the "ANIMATING" it was very smooth and flowed well with the music, so notbad at all...



Notbad, it was dufferent because you combined "REAL DRAWINGS" With the flash which was a good touch, the "AUDIO" was ok but could use abit more emotion to it, and also to get into the mind of a vampire you should show more content of what its like, maybe more images and whatnot, nice drawings though....


((( DECENT )))

This one was entertaining, and funny, the killing of the "ANIMALS" was sorta funny. allthough the artwork on them could be somewhat better or something, it was ok though, as for the "STICK FIGHT" it was ok but coul have gone abit longer, still decent though, an ok flash you have here, keep it up...


((( FUNNY )))

This was funny, also nice work on the "OLD SOUND" Quaality making it sound like it wa sold and stuff, how did you do that anyways, as for the content it was funny and made me laugh, the "B&W" style was great giving it that old feel again, good and funny flash, i enjoyed it....


((( COOL )))

This was good, the "ANIMATION" was great with lots of different shades and effects, like the trees and grass very real like, but a decent job none the less, the flash seems to have a few gliches it keeps pausing in the middle. you may want to look into that....


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