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((( VERY NICE )))

This was very good indeed, looks to be one hell of a battle between two super powers which is very well animated, very smooth and great viewshots aswell as music to play along with intense action, nice work indeed, very good stuff...


((( FUNNY )))

This was funny, sorta remind me of the short cartoon on "REN & STIMPY" toast man or something, it was funny though, and the "CHARACTER" was good and funny, great work on the eyes and his expressions, he could use more limb animating though, overall good flash...


PhiTuS responds:

hey, speaking of powdered toastman, capt. can do was actually supposed to fly backwards...but NOOOO...the teacher...ppfftt

((( VERY GOOD )))

This was awsome infact, very good "CHARACTERS" and voices aswell, i love all the different scenes, there was not really any bad issues about the flash it was an all around great flash with an awsome story, and funny as hell, the art was great like the well designed backrounds, anyways great flash indeed, hope to see more soon...


((( NOTBAD )))

This was ok, now i have only played one MGS game but i can see how it is like it, some of the "ART" was notbad, i do like the "MUSIC" it went well with the different clips you used and such... anyways good flash keep it up...


((( DECENT )))

This was a decent sprite flash with some good animation it ran very smooth, and there was lots of sprites with no lag what so ever, as for the "STORY" it seemed to just run by very fast, maybe slow it down abit more but also have some dialog between characters to make for a more story like theme, anyways nice job, keep it up...


((( UNIQUE )))

This was cool, sorta different then the normal flash that comes through the portal, the idea of "DOGS" was cool and unique, i also like the randome changes in the flash ,oving from scenes to scene and all, and wow the ending very shocking you have a touch for the dark and creepy which is what really made this flash awsome, its going into my faves list awsome job...


((( VERY NICE )))

This was very good, the "VOICES" were ok but could be improved, i like how there was lots of different scenes, the art was decent but could be improved, like it was really good at the start menu screen but got sloppy throughout the movie, just a few things to work on, but overall an entertaining flash...


((( DECENT )))

This was decent and for doing it all on one scene thats very good, you did give it a "CREEPY" feel to it with the "FLASHBACKS" and all, maybe show the images abit longer though, but it was a good way of going about a scary and sorta creepy direction, so nice job...


((( HAHA FUNNY )))

Haha ok that made me laugh, its very entertaining, i also like how you had a "QUIZ" for the more hardcore fans heh, good artwork allthough could use abit more detail and depth to them, you might also want to speed up the animation abit make it somewhat smoother and stuff, it was good though...


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