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((( HAHA )))

Haha poor baby mario, is he mexican or italian hahah, and when i kicked him it was like OUCH hehhe, good flash it is very funny, and i like the options you give, maybe make more optins, it was hellish funny..., keep on flashing...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Baby mario, cant go wrong there...


((( YOUR LAST )))

Ohwell atleast you go out with a bang this was some great stick fighting, with some interestinf scenes, very fast full of action, just the way i like em...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Fast and awsome...


((( COOL )))

Well i still think its very mark-ish, cause that front page is so much like his, are you really mark comon you can tell me, heh anyways ep 2 alot better then the first and some more action, short though, nice music aswell, hope to see more soon, keep on flashing...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Interesting style...


MATAL responds:

Thasnk alot man i realyl tride hard for 3 days on thsi, btu you havent maked any falsh yurself.

Flash by XwaynecoltX:
- Choose below -

((( DECENT )))

Hey that was decent, really good art on the character and the backrounds, the music was cool aswell, a decent tribute with nice art...



((( HA )))

Yep i would do the same a few times hehe, anyways good short pricless flash, the window is just too big though, good flash, and i laughed, might want slow it down abit aswell, but still funny, so nice work...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny, and short, what else more could we expect...


((( OK )))

It was ok, kinda neat with the whole paper and pencil, the audio was very hard to hear though, it was simple yet funny, hope to see more soon...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: paper and pencil, funny, needs work on audio...


((( HMMMMMM )))

Hmmmmm this was interesting it also has a very mark feel to it and by that i mean mark creator of comet magnum series, cause your front page is almost exact to his, hmmmmmm, heh anyways good game like movie, nice effects and dark feel to it...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Very mark-ish...



Hey that was funny, the backround art really came off well, i like that you have a full character it shows the effort put into this film, the idea of the film is a good one, i did notice that the animation seemed kinda slow, which kinda dragged the film on, but still it was funny with decent art...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Nice art, good idea...


Sharples responds:

well thank you for that glowing review

((( NICE )))

Hey that was really cool the art was superb and pure awsomness heh is that even a word, anyways great flash i does need a stop action code at the end so it doesnt just loop, but the end was great, really awsome looking planes though, you should send more of thease out they are great...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Great artworks, funny story, Xwayn Wants to see more lots more...


((( COOL )))

Nice 3d effects at the start, and really cool song, the art was awsome like always, the flash story was kinda short, very smooth and clean animation was great, but there at the end with the blood and all it kinda left the viewer like whaaaa its over, but still a good start to somthing i would love checking out, anyways great job keep on flashing...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Artistic style, with good story...


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Age 51, Male


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