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This was very good violence and while they are sticks, i love how you changed there "HEADS" to have some detail in them, and as for the "EFFECTS" very well done, this flash was great showing lots of detail and effects, i was very entertained, you should make more maybe like a series of some sort, or something, anyways nice flash...


((( FUNNY )))

Haha ok this made me laugh, the "ART" was abit simple but the flash was funny, and really good, "NARRATING" and decent animating, the characracters cameout ok but just abit on the simple side, anyways decent flash and funny...


((( VERY NICE )))

This was very nice work, the flow of animation was very nice and very smooth, nice touch with really bringing this alive with the black and white and adding just abit of color, it could have been longer and really gone off into another world and such, also very good song and all, good flash...


Gonzo-pRm responds:

Hey thanks man. I appreciate the kind words. I check out the ghost motel stuff looks like u got yer shit togther

((( CUTE )))

Haha this was cute, and very entertaining, the characters were decent aswell, the music was odd always changing, but i supose thats part of the effects and all, you could have the animation abit more smooth though, and also add some backrounds, the white backs were just bland, nice flash though...


((( DECENT )))

This was ok, could be longer and with more content, more narrating with more description on more about the ipod and such, i do like the animated part of the guy dancing and how you changed color very neatly animated, i would suggest more backround content and such more colors and stuff, nice job though....


Basking-Shark responds:


((( HAHA )))

This was funny, and nice job on the simple like art atleast i think thats what you were doing, as for the "VOICES" notbad, it worked well and made the flash more funny, so notbad at all, funny flash and very entertaining...


((( HEH )))

Notbad, this was cool, the filesize was abit much you may want to bring it down abit cause there are many 56k users that may want to see you flash but cant, anyways good action with the clay but the window was really small, anyways good flash though...


((( HEH )))

Haha ok this was funny, very simple and plan the pictures were ok though gave it something to look at an such, this does need some backrounds though it was somewhat bland, and needed more with the simple props and stuff, notbad though...


((( THESE ARE OK )))

These are cool but very short, and they need more to them so the viewer can take it in abit more, also taking it into more scenes would be great aswell, like more then what you had, very nice art though like the bird and such, but overall it needs more to it...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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