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((( OK )))

I dont like traliers much, because sometimes the artist doesnt put enough info to keep the view interested into watching the full version, so i would suggest add more scenes and more clips of what to expect it looked ok so far though...


((( VERY NICE )))

I was impressed with the slight action but the graphics was decent could be abit better but i liked it and i would suggest lowering the filesize somewhat it was not bad at where it was but could be better, anyways nice job...



This was great very awsome indeed, i love all the different effects and little things that really made this flash special, my only issue was that the filesize was so massive, and for 56 k users like myself it could be hard for the download, so you may want to work on that...


((( DECENT )))

That was really good, and some decent action in the clip, my only issue was the filesize abit much almost shut down my machine but still very good, the flash itself was very entertaining just needs some more compressing...


((( ABIT SHORT )))

Haha ok that was very short, but the graphics was very intense, and very detailed, as was the animating like when the guy was running away, i just wish there was more to it like more story after he runs out and such, great audio aswell so nice job overall...


((( NEAT )))

This was cool, i like the scenes with the silver weapon like symbols coming to gether then the other clock closes his eyes or something, really looked good, as for the rest it was ok the fast text towards the end was ok but very fast subtitles, anyways nice job...


((( VERY GOOD )))

This was great, very funny, and the art was decent could have abit more detail but was still good and entertaining, the 2 megs was ok but could be lowered abit, anyways nice job, keep it up...


((( BETTER )))

Well another episode, these are funny, and the skits do make me laugh i just wish there could be some improving on artwork like backrounds aswell as audio like when the cats talk it was abit low, and well you know how i feel about currtens, the new additions of jpegs is an ok touch though....


((( OK )))

This was short and lacked in a few areas like "COLOR" which would have made it much better, but also it was very short, it has promise cause i live what you did with the forming of the lines but it needed much more of that style forming into odd and random things would be neat...


((( NEEDS MORE )))

This was decent and had some really neat music to go with, but it did lack in art and style, needs more effort on the backrounds and effects, its decent but could be improved with the little stuff, and effects aswell as backrounds is a start, nice job though...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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