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This one was differant

Ok so i guess this was actually more like a coloring book then a dress-up, thats kinda neat and you did supply lots of differant random colors, i even liked the random color option, but i did find this in the dress-up section and i guess in a way it is, just wish there was "PROPS" and some animated types aswell, but as this style of game it was still kind of entertaining, i suppose if you are going to add anything you may want to add some music might help, but anyways nice work here, i got a kick out of it.

Some actual props and items would be a plus on this one,

Bender always great

A futureama game very cool you learn to expect to see alot of these types of games, but still come across new stuff like this one with "BENDER" i thought was pretty interesting, and i must say you really did your work with this one, you had a good variaty of clothing and props, and even a nice design about it and such, I think the only thing that lacked with this one might be, some backrounds besides just the blank one, and maybe some "ANIMATED" items but other then that this was pretty impressive so nice job.

Well like above it was all pretty good, just needed a few fixes like some animated stuff, and some sorta scene changer for the backround, you can totally give bender some differant scenes from the shows even some funny ones.

Fun and entertaining dress-up game

So this was notbad, a decent dress-up i do like how you presented it in a differant way, It could use some extra items though, I like the blinking menu-page it was kinda hard on the eyes but still a pretty nifty page, So as i said before it was differant but still has the whole dress-up style, could use some more items and such, Now as improving stuff you can add some more items especially some Animated ones. but other then that this was actually pretty good, and i enjoyed the game keep up the nifty game works.

So as above, this could be better. and here are some suggestions, tips and ideas that can only help to make your idea work even better then it is, so give it a thought. Add some items more items and some that have animated stuff like blinking lights and eyes stuff like that.

It was an ok dress-up game

So its been awhile since i seen anything related to straw berry clcok, but this one really takes you, now i must admit and im not alone when i say this but this one is very bland and has maybe 4 or 5 items, the music and audio was kinda neat, the art was pretty basic, so it does need more effort, especially with adding more items of all sorts now i know back in the day its the style to not put that much effort but with a dress-up you could put some effort with atleast some more variaty of items and more then what you did present, but other then that, this was ok, not great but ok.

So with everything said above, There are some improvments that could be made, here are a few suggestions, Needs some sorta backround changer, so you can see differant backrounds, adding more props wouldnt hurt either. but add lots of variaty of items not just a few here or there.

Pretty decent game here

Hmm this was actually notbad at all, good use of clothing and colors aswell, the one thing about dress-ups that bug me though, is that its always a white backround just very bland, and not much to see as in some sorta "SCENES" and all, maybe you could add some changing scenes on some rotation of sorts, but it does need something there, Other then that you made a good game with a decent amount of stuff, just as making things better adding some sorta backrounds, anyways good luck on anything else you got going on.

As above i mentioned something about some backrounds, everything else was actually pretty good.

Fun game

Wow i must say this was very impressive all the clothing was fantastic great colors nice color textures, even nice design and there was alot of stuff to chose from, but the colors were vibrant and just really jumped out at ya, so nice job there, I was really amazed with this right from the start and all the way into the end, So a good game here, as a way to improve maybe some "MUSIC" options but for what it is, its pretty good as is if you ask me, anyways hope to see more work from you soon, i really did thing this was a top quality game, keep up the awsome work.

with this one i found it to be fun and entertaing, good re-play-value, could use some music options

Fun game

This was a well rounded game, and one with the power puff girls is a neat idea you actually came up with the character pretty well, im not fond of the whole click a button to dress up idea, but i like the whole drag and drop idea better, but regardless this was still good and you presented some good variaty of items to click on, But overall this was a pretty good game and i had some fun with it, it was pretty entertaining and i hope others enjoy this fun dress up game as much as i did, keep up the fantastic works.

This game had it all, the one thing that you might want to work on would have the buttons do a little more, the button was ok but would have been nice to see more of a Flashier and more fancy button. maybe something with animation also, like when you hover over it and click and release, just something more fancy.

Decent game

Ok so this was pretty decent, you had some good dress-up items and applied good detail and such, the menu screen was even pretty good, with the lil animation of the girl walking and once you get into the dres-up its pretty good and you have some decent items, It did lack some unique items like props and just random items, you should add some of these, but you should add more items on one page instead of switching off to another page, just an idea though, for the mostpart it was a pretty good game, keep up the decent work.

So as mentioned this has everything but lacked in unique type of items, other then that it was an alright dress-up game

Decent but needs some work

A decent game you have here but could use some work like the "BODY" it seemed aout of paportion, Now i like all the amounts of clothing stuff and all the differant colors are great, but you just had the basic stuff, you should add more designs and more differant styles besides just the duplicated colors, It was a good game, might even benifit from having some sorta backround scene selector, but other then that it was a decent little game, anyways keep up the decent work, and i hope to see more soon.

For starters the body seemed aout of paportion, you should add more designs and more differant styles besides just the duplicated colors on outfits. This is a decent game, it could be much better with some sorta Scene-Selector something that the user can change themself, or maybe it changes randomly, and should be something related to the dress-up character or thing.

Great idea with this one

First off great idea with the whole resident evil theme, and there was actually a pretty decent amount of items not much you could do with the size of stuff and all, but even the character and art cameout ok with this one so notbad work there, now i do wish there was more items, maybe if you had made the screen larger you could have done that somehow, also some music would have fit this pretty good aswell, just some ideas here and there to make this better, but great job over all on this it was pretty fun and i enjoyed it, keep up the good game works.

So as suggested above, some music, some more items and maybe even a bigger view screen

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