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Fun game, nice visuals.

Ok so this was pretty simple, but that was the best part of it if you ask me, i like the simplistic side of things with this the design mainly, The game itself is pretty fun, and was keeping me interested maybe it was the more simple side of things, but for the mostpart it was pretty fun and nice to see the visuals going on and such, The guy swinging the axe was also a nice touch that made it even more fun as you dont see that much, so all and all it was a pretty fun game, now as for improving, maybe you can make some mini games inbetween here and there like some sorta bonus or something, just a thought though.Anyways great game, nice visuals and fun to play, keep up the good work.

So anyways this had some good visuals and such it could have some sorta bonus play or as suggested some mini games within the games, just as an extra bonus, but other then that this was pretty good and fun

Hmmm i have to start off this review by saying it was a pretty interesting game, and there could be some better points in the game, like the start of it could have some more "NARRATIVE" audio for the sory of it and all, and more "MEDALS" ofcourse but that was just a few thingsm the game itself has a deep feel and deep element of suprises, the Graphics and art style was pretty brilliant and thats what really drew me to this, it was "LACK LUSTER" in areas of medals though that was a tad let down so i would hope you upgrade this with more medeals and more progression with medals. but i have to say it was still a pretty good game with good depth to a story, cant wait for more.

So a few things as mentioned above like some audio with the story at the start, and 2nd more medals the one was cool, but much more needed, it brings more fun and makes it more enjoyble with more medals.

Fun game and entertaining

So first off this one needed some "SOUND" and more "SOUND/FX" could have used some of that and more of that, there was alot of "EFFORT" put into this with like the symbols, and stuff and there was alot of them wich kinda made this fun aswell. This was almost like a memerize type of game, it has some fun gameplay, so was not that hard, but does take some getting use too, so for the mostpart it is pretty good and most of all entertaining, so good job on presenting a fun filled and entertainig game. hope to see more of your work real soon, i was impressed with what you came up with, even though it could use abit more it was pretty good on what you presented.

As for making this game better, i think you should start off with some more and better sound and even some sound/fx, everything else seemed to have good effort.

Decent game here

A fun flash you have here theres was lots of great visuals and some nice detail with some pretty good effort on your side of things, I was taken back with this submission, as it was pretty good. Im not too good at these game types but this was still pretty good i thought, and it was differant from some of those simular type of game, The monstors were pretty neat and a nice visual especially when you kill them, so you had some nice artwork here nice designs, OK so while this reviews is almost comming to an end i found this flash submission to be fun somewhat entertaining, it had some good visuals and showed some of your effort put into this, so keep at it as this was notbad at all.

So while this was a decent game it was hard to find much on it, but it was a pretty solid game, had some fun play value and some ok replay value aswell, I may have some improvment ideas for this game, but if not great job. AS i said no real ideas of improvment as it was pretty solid if you ask me. Hope to see some more improvment eventually.

Fun game

Great game here, shooting all the guys was pretty neat, so it was sorta like a "SHOOTER" but you gave it some style, Now there is room for improving, such as differant positions to shoot from and maybe even throw in some possible mini games, where you can earn some sorta extra points, just a few tips that might help, i like how there was a story to go with this aswell, that was pretty neat, and creative with the game and story and such so nice job and good effort there,so with all that said this was a pretty good game nice shooter like game and fun story to go with, i was generally pleased with the outcome and overall had fun playing, so untill next time good luck on your next works.

You have a good game here with a decent and entertaining story, there is room for improving, such as differant positions to shoot from and maybe even throw in some possible mini games, where you can earn some sorta extra points,

Could use some extra effort

Ok so the game is not that bad, kind of interesting, and i like the idea ofmedals on this one, maybe you could even add some more medals that would make it more fun too so thats something to think about and make it somewhat better, The graphics could be better though, some slight more detail here and there would push this over the edge so thats something else to think about, and it will make it much better and more enjoyble by far, you need some depth in this as the flash was very simplistic and didnt offer much, So some things could be better but overall it was an entertaining game that i enjoyed. some of the medals were pretty straight forward and and had a good progression about it, it was actually an overall fun game.

A good game here but could use some better stuff, possibly more medals, graphics could be better though, some slight more detail here and there could even use more medals and such.

well this was differant

Kind of a differant game here, its still pretty good but takes some time getting use-too, i really like it once you get into it abit deeper, and then it really starts taking off so nice effort there, I thought the "GRAPHICS-VISUALS" were some of the best of this game it really cameout well and the game itself was differant and fun, But the worst of this would be that the game is hard and confusing at first but does take some patince to get the hang of, but once you do it gets fun and very good, so adding some easier options for newer players and such would be a start in the right direction, the rest was fine, anyways nice effort nice game, i liked it.

A good game you have here kind of hard at first and confusing but making it somewhat easier for new game players would be nice, and a nice improvment overall.

Fun and nifty game

A hard game here especially when trying to understand what happened when you die, but i suppose its ok just a bit confusing at times, now dont get me wrong i liked this and loved the visuals on this but, as mentioned hard to understand at times, There was alot of play-Ability on this game as you were able to control alot of what was happening so that was a plus, you presented some nice greaphics and awsome visual effects. and then the music wich was really so fitting and flowed perfectly with this from start to finsih so you outdid yourself with this and i was pleased throu-out the whole game so nice work on this, make more soon.

My opinion on how to improve on this might be, make itmore understanding and have more little details like you already had just a tad more though.

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