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Nice game

I like this game, it even has a nice scoreboard thats always a plus, The first thing i noticed with this one was that the music didnt have much depth to it and with the loop you had it on it was kinda repetitive maybe too repetitive, and could have used more variaty and depth within it, so workon the music maybe even add a variaty ofmusic options, Visual graphics cameout well so youdid well there and all the detail showed up even betterso props to you on some awsome graphics and visual detail, So with all that said this game was decent could be better with some music hanges but honestly thats all i found on it, anyways great game it was pleasent and fun.

First of all for some improvments i would suggest working on the "MUSIC" add some variaty to the loop or make it longer, or even as suggested make a few differant loops of music in there, that was the only real issue that needs some looking into

A good game you have here

So this was a good game these types are always pretty good if you ask me, But anyways onto your game i love how you had a menu page and love the colorpurple, so that was a nice job, Now this was a cute dress-up game, the items were ok but could have had some more effort like more random itemsmore differant styles and not such duplicates, but for the mostpart it was pretty good, And with this flash it was actually pretty good, iliked the effort you put forward on this but there are still a few more things here and there that could make it even better, ihave posted a few ideas i hope they help to improve on this so good luck, and i hope to see improvments soon, or in the near future.

This was a pretty good flash if you ask me, but it couldbe better with a few suggestions and ideas, But keep at it and always improve on your ideas so hope some of these may help to make your idea much better. So I will start off here with suggesting some sorta more random items, some animated ones, and stuff you might not normally see, maybe its funny, or even bazzar but something differant, and on another note you also want to add a bunch of items not just a few, I must say i had fun with this, one of the things that bothered me, was that the backrounds were kind of boring that being it was just a blank one or white, just too plain in my eyes, so one way you could fix it up would be To have something besides the white plain stuff, Maybe an image, maybe some color, maybe some design, or even some graphics that changes up every now and then. anyways good luck.

Another decent game here

So ill start off by saying this is still pretty good even as old of a game as it is, The little but was kind of funny, But anyways this was pretty good there was some nice items of clothing and such, i did think this could have used some sorta backrounds something differant then what you had, and a few more items would have been nice, even throwing in some animated items would be something differant, But anyways you have some good work here allthough some more effort for better improvment could be done for an overall better out come, Its not perfect but is ok for what you did supply in content, so on that part of stuff it was notbad at all.

Improving on stuff is always a Plus, so here are some decent suggestions on making things better, you should give them a try or atleast a thought. Backrounds would be a plus on this, just the simple regular palate is ok but dressing up the backround with some scene from the character topic would be nice, or even just adding some sorta nice graphics in the backround would be pretty cool too.

Fun and dark

I will start off this review on saying that this was an interesting flash game here, it has itsmomemnts nad can be better but for what it is, i must say that it was alright and pretty amusing, i like some of the stuff you pulledout on this giving it an interesting look, so a nice feel all around with this one good effort and i was pretty impressed with most things on this. Like i said the "VISUALS" were great and had a good look about it all and such, I love the ending here aswell, you really pushed for a "DARK" feel here and that made it for a good flash entry here so i was pretty impressed with this submission and hope to see more work from you soon aswell.

I would like to see more of the little details added along with more effects popping up but also go with the dark touch even more then you already have.

Pienkaito responds:

Thanks for the very helpful review. I'll keep that in mind.

This was pretty decent and fun game play.

Well let me start this review off by saying i had some fun with this game, it was sort of "ADDICTIVE" there being only 1 medal was kind of a letdown so maybe as an improvment idea you can add more medals, i did like the "FRESH-LOOK" of the game and fun play with all the stars and such, and all the "UPGRADES" were pretty fun and really do help and push you forward theres alot of levels and it made for a fun game, the one thing that was alet down was that there was not moremedals, something you an work on in a future update somehow, just a thought anyways good fun game here.

Add more medals, more progression of medals, and more fancy "EFFECTS" like with stars and stuff.

Pretty fun game

So this was kind of interesting here, wish everything was kind of bigger though especialy with the buttons since they were just very small to click on, The artwork was actually pretty good allthough wish the girl looked better though, I understand this is an older flash game but i must admit it still has some good game play to it, so nice effort there, more items would be nice aswell, So while i liked this flash there are some good and bad about it, i went over it abit but have suggested some more ideas below hope it helps, its not major but could use more of the effort on little stuff here and there, anyways hope it helps as this was actually a pretty good flash.

There are some improvments that could be made, here are a few suggestions, some effort on your side will only make this even better. So give these options a try. some more items here and there some larger buttons, and overall just more stuff.

Interesting and fun game

Ok so i got some fun out of this game, it was pretty "ENTERTAINING" and amusing it was like a pretty large world to have a great adventure, It was sort of confusing at first but as you get into kit, its pretty fun and kind of hard aswell but with some time and more practice it gets much better, There was alot of stuff like items and such to get to really advance so that was nice and gave your game "VARIATY" so nice effort there, And last but not least the "SOUND/FX" was pretty good and was showing good quality to it all so nice effort once again. Now all games and movies need some sort of improvment, but for this one i thought it was stand alone on its own.

Not sure what to suggest on improving, it was pretty solid, i supppose you can make the levels somewhat easier to advance to the next, it seemed kind of hard from oneto the next even more then normal.

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