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Cool You are back.

Alright so you have impressed me sofar. you for sure have a good eye for some detail, but some other things could be slightly better in some details here and there and ill try and pin-point them for you here today. Alright at first i thought you had given up on newgrounds but am glad to see you back here and i like the idea of you adding more collections, now my first advice is you should change the music for each collection not have the same one The "STEPS" could also be longer and more slower for more of a learning lession, the copy and paste here seems too repettitive, so those are some things to learn from the las HTD collections, Take the Gryphon its a largly detailed drawing and you only had a few steps so this one will need some longer steps you cover too much too fast, Also adding a larger screen where the drawing takes place would also be helpfull to the learner. Also i noticed that when im done with one of the tutorials, you have to scroll down to the bottom to find the small "MENU" button so two things come from this, and your submission can be much better for if you made larger buttons and also made the buttons at the top by your arrows so you dont have to scroll back and fourth all the time. Well i did enjoy your 2nd collection here and hope to see some better improvments i really like what you have here and the efforts are there but would like to see more success come your way soon. You can make a new menu page aswell, making each tutorials button more nifty and visually better looking. And to end things here on a positive note, you know what you want and you go out and get it and it shows in your ideas and the whole concept, something i wouldnt mind being better but thats more for improvment stuff, anyways good flash here.

And with everything already said here today, there is still some improvment areas that you can work on with some effort and more ideas to make it a bigger and badder flash then ever, so i have a few ideas here and i will get to those soon enough. Change the music so you have something differant each time, Slow down the lessons, more teaching how to draw each step with slower steps would be a plus to the learner and you as the teacher. And once again a larger view screen or canvus is much needed, not the small screen you have them on. Make larger buttons, and move the menu button to the top of the screen for more easier access. And last but not least, you have alot of tutorials in this one when you are on the menu page they are all "BUNCHED" up an idea of improvment here is make each one with borders more like an icon of sorts so that each one is easier to distinguise from the next, it looks more like one big pic,

Very welldone game

I will start off this review on saying that this was an interesting flash game here, it has itsmomemnts nad can be better but for what it is, i must say that it was alright and pretty amusing, i like some of the stuff you pulledout on this giving it an interesting look, so a nice feel all around with this one good effort and i was pretty impressed with most things on this. and cant wait to see what else you are capable of in other stuff. Now i must say having an Intro like you do is always something extra as you dont always see thats so props to you on that besides it looks pretty nifty, great job on the intro looks great, also shows that to start off you are putting in the effort from the start. So at first this game reminds me alot like that old classic nes game "GHOSTS ~N~ GOBLINS" but anyways now lets really get started on this game, i will comment on the "MUSIC" it was some good music here, and really fit well with the action and did have a zombie like feel to it so notbad,

I must say that the game is really fun and can be addictive, the fast paced style is good and keeps one entertained, the waves are fresh and fast, the graphics are impressive and keeps a good detail visual about them, The game even gets better as you play on so this was a real plus game for me and ill add it to my faves list it was that good of a game, OK so "WAVE 6" it starts to get hard but at about "WAVE 9" it is really getting touch allthough i didnt have the gailin maxed yet but still good game and overall i had some fun with this the medals were fun aswell. one thing you may want to improve on is that the Upgrade "BUTTONS" were too small and could be larger somehow. This was notbad at all, Decent game here, I really liked this and kind of grew on me a tad bit, there are some things that could be worked on in order for it to be even better, dont get me wrong its pretty good as is but with some more extra effort ans some more time put in it can be even better, But anyways decent Game I really enjoyed this game submission and all that you have presented here, I look forward to more from you. untill then keep up the decent game-works.

I suggest some ideas and tips to better improve on a few Things, just some little stuff so hope some of these basics help or some stuff that i thought it might need, to make a better game, So hope to see some sort of improvments as this was a good game, and wouldnt mind seeing more to it. not just the basics but more depth into it. one suggestion i made was to make the upgrades larger and easier to click on, also maybe athrow in a few more medals.

Fun game indeed

OK so how do i start off this review as these types of submissions tend to have me stumped, but they are still unique in there own way, they bring some nifty elements to the table, and theres alot to visualize among other things, so in general its a decent entry, it was alright in my eyes, There are things i wouldnt mind seeing changed for the better though. Ok first off i must say you had a good intro in this, it was nothing spectacular, but it was pretty good if you ask me and its always nice to include an intro like you did, so nice effort on the intro and or intro page.But anyways this game is kind of tricky i like that you have a few medals here, possibly could use some more. The combonation of items to create skills is a nice ideas but was confusing, i also like how you have put this game in a sort of old style cartoon style wich was pretty neat and made it unique aswell, so nice job aswell. so the "ART" was fresh and cute, the whole game was pretty cute i thought, a fun and addictive game you have here, its pretty straight forward and is a good time waster so this reviewer really likes what you have put out here, and i also want to say Congrats on the awards that this game has won i can see the effort you have put in and so a big congrats on the awards. But anyways other then things that have already been said i did think this was a unique flash entry, there are some improvments that can be made, but thats for later, But i got some fun and joy out of this and it was nifty messing with it, so overall a decent flash game here, but in the end could still use more. maybe more depth to the visuals, maybe more of this and that but does need more there. but anyways untill next adventure great stuff here.

There are some improvments that could be made to this fine game, just a few here or there, and in the end it will make a better game with more quality to it. Here are a few tips and ideas on making this somewhat better, it never hurts to improve on stuff, even in the smallest stuff. Improving on stuff is always a Plus, so here are some decent suggestions on making things better, you should give them a try or atleast a thought into making some changes on the game. Now this was a fancy game with some nifty medals, but seems like it could use a few more medals, just a few more, or go all out and add as much as you like but does need a few more medals for that extra fun. but besides all that this was a pretty fun game and an addictive one if i say so myself.

Fun and cute game

A decent flash here, I really like what you have here, there seems to be some good quality about all this and, i really like your style with this It was nicely done, There was alot of great value you gave to this flash, but there were some weaker points that could be addressed aswell, its one of those flash pieces thats grabs your attention and keeps you there, OK this is a fun game it has some cute sprites some entertaining music and is generall a fun game, its not boring at all, And while you only have a couple of medals its still pretty fun, i think you should add some more medals though, this type of game needs more medals and more of a preogression way of medals and so on, so thats something to think about, But anyways good game cute and fun just needs more to it and especially more medals, I didnt get very far i did get into a few levels, but it was still fun, you should think about adding the level you are on on the screen you happen to be on, everything was just all the level and no ifo about the level, so it would be nice to have something more in the "INFO" sense of tings. So I found there to be Alot of great things in this Game, some could be better like some little details here and there, but not much but still some stuff could take a looking into as suggested of course, The game itself is pretty solid, but again need more attention, You have something good here, allthough it does need abit more, but really overall it was pretty balanced just needed abit more stuff, This was fun and entertaining of a game.

And so here we are in the improvment section of the review to me always the hardest part of the review as i dont want to pick apart the review but try and help, This Game entry does have some decent Potential, so here is where i may Recommend Some ideas and tips for better imrpvment, with some positive points, and basic ideas, hope you use them in this or future games. This was pretty fantastic with some of the medals you had, some easy and some moderate to heavy skill level, you should add more on moderate level of skill and really build up the more the better. Add the level number or some slight info when you are on that level, But other then that that was pretty good if you ask me.

fun pacman like game

Here was a pretty nifty game, It has a style that was differant and was pretty fantastic with everything that was showed and such aswell as everything you can do inter-activily, I really got hooked on this for everything you brought to the flash, You see alot of games on here and once in awhile you get someting differant and unique like your game, and thats what i liked and enjoyed about it, This one is pretty interesting and has some good visuals that really get you into it so for me this is a great flash here. Lol ok this was a differant kind of pac-man then i am use too playing but i was getting the hang of it, its a pretty fun game though and its hard at first, you did push along some nice effects and some nice sounds aswell, bringing fourth some good gameplay, the "MUSIC" alone is pretty good i thought, so after playing it a few times it was kind of fun, kinda gets frustraiting because hard to guide that arow circle but it was a pretty good game, This was A really decent and fun Submission, allthough it did lack some stuff, it could still be better, So i have mentioned some ideas and even basic stuff that other games use so these ideas can be used or not but they will help to improve on things, you have something decent here and the effort shows but could still use a few more additions of stuff and so on, but with all that said good game here. Good job on winning some awards for this, it was worth the time i can see and there was some good effort put so again some decent awards were recieved so good job on that part of the site.

You have a good game here, it was interesting and i really had some fun with this game it was pretty interesting and had some very good replay value to this flash, so good job there could be some things to improve on, and i may suggest a few ideas here in short, Hmmm not sure were to start most of the game was pretty good, i can see you implementing a larger screen somehow, maybe some more stuff to do within the game would be fun aswell.


So reviewing is not always easy, but i would like to say that you have done well here, you have presented a decent entry here, and overall i was pleased with everything here, and wouldnt mind seeing a bit more buzz and pazazz onto it, but its pretty good sofar. And another fun game here on the grounds, this one was neat because you do offer a "TUTORIAL" and that made it pretty fun and amusing so nice job there, and it was kind of long the tutorial there seems to be alot to remember, but the game is a good fun time, the "MUSIC" was notbad either kinda fitting with the action, the whole game kind of reminds me of an 2d Grand theft auto style game. you should have more medals in this, thats something that could also improve on this. the characters are kind of small but guess thats the idea, anyways good game. I would like to mention that by winning some awards on this was a nice happening, and glad you won because it does show your efforts on this and you can see that so congradulations on the awards. I hate to be ending this review soon, but dont wish to drag it on at all, infact i found this flash kind of funny and amusing and had some nice visuals, and overall was a good and fun portal entry, so to that i can say keep up the good work and really do hope to see more like this.

I do have some slight suggestions that could help on this entry, and i would hope you look into these ideas and advice aswell as making some new ones to make this even better then you had planned, But anyways not to drag this on any furthur lets get some suggestions and pin point some positive advice on making this better. One idea would be to Make the play button larger, and while you have some medals already my advice to you is that by adding some extra medals it would make this even better, and people will love this entry even more for more medals so go ahead make some extra medals here.

Another funmedal game

And here we have another decent entry, I was suprised actually because i was not expecting anything here, but you have suprised me with something pretty entertaining, and it was very nifty on how you presented this and how it all came together so nice effort here. Wow this game too me by suprise, i love that its all by "CLAY" thats something very differant that you have not seen on here so much have took you a good while here, very nice indeed, firstlevel was fairly easy, The walkthru is helpfull, esepcially after you get to the 2nd level and beyond, So fun game all the way thru good sound/fx nice effects and really good idea here. I just want to say congrats on the awards, not everyone gets the chance to get some but when you do its pretty awsome so congratdson the hard work and hard effort to acheive them. This was an interesting submission it was rather unique and held my interest to the highest so that i have you to thank for and a decent entry, so decent work here, now thats not to say that things could be better or improved because it can just takes more tome,

Somany ways to improve on things, and there might be a few here but before i get to that, this was a pretty interesting piece, and wouldnt mind seeing more, but anyways i may post a few ideas that may help then again they may not help but i hope they do, So one idea might be to have an Ingame walkthru would be nice instead of having to leave game and such.

Much better

Alright so you have something of interest here its appealing it has lots to see and even do, allthough this could use some more effort on some things here and there, but in the end you have presented a very welldone entry. Alright i am gonna start this one off with a rating of a "4" and hope the future ones are just as good, What i dont understand is why you had all your other submissions deleted it was a sad day when you did that because they are ok as stand alones aswell, but i do like the "CHANGES" you have made including a play music button wuch was a great addition, and with lots of medals in one game that makes me happy, the canvus could still be somewhat larger and i mean the actual drawing area, seems like you really went all out and made some good changes wich i like. I wouldnt mind seeing more "THEMES" like bears collections, angel collections and so on. And i still think that the "STEPS" should be longer they progress too much from step to step. add other types of tutorials like shading and detail, and ofcourse some coloring, The design of how you have the "MENU" set up is pretty nice i thought but you should also have the "NAMES" of each dragon on the menu page maybe as you hover over it even. So as above i have a few ideas in mind that could make it better but for the most i got a good vibe from this with lots to do here and i do look forward to more of what you may have in store for us.

Alright so i was impressed witha pretty good bit of this submission, there are some good efforts that could still be pushed forward with some new and basic ideas so i look forward to you making even better product with some slight improvment options. still needs a larger canvus "NOT THE SCREEN" but the actual drawing area, Also if you did like 3 or 5 multiple tuts in one submission that would be ok, you have alot now in one submission but you dont want it to get too cluttered. you can even make collections by "THEMES" like dragons, bears, wings, etc. Slow down the steps say if you have a 5 step HTD make it a 10 step one instead with a slower progression of each step, and you can even add some "COLOR" steps, maybe some shade steps and more detail steps. these are all lessins that would make the collections much better.Adding names of the dragons on the menu page would also be a nice touch.

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