Cool You are back.
Alright so you have impressed me sofar. you for sure have a good eye for some detail, but some other things could be slightly better in some details here and there and ill try and pin-point them for you here today. Alright at first i thought you had given up on newgrounds but am glad to see you back here and i like the idea of you adding more collections, now my first advice is you should change the music for each collection not have the same one The "STEPS" could also be longer and more slower for more of a learning lession, the copy and paste here seems too repettitive, so those are some things to learn from the las HTD collections, Take the Gryphon its a largly detailed drawing and you only had a few steps so this one will need some longer steps you cover too much too fast, Also adding a larger screen where the drawing takes place would also be helpfull to the learner. Also i noticed that when im done with one of the tutorials, you have to scroll down to the bottom to find the small "MENU" button so two things come from this, and your submission can be much better for if you made larger buttons and also made the buttons at the top by your arrows so you dont have to scroll back and fourth all the time. Well i did enjoy your 2nd collection here and hope to see some better improvments i really like what you have here and the efforts are there but would like to see more success come your way soon. You can make a new menu page aswell, making each tutorials button more nifty and visually better looking. And to end things here on a positive note, you know what you want and you go out and get it and it shows in your ideas and the whole concept, something i wouldnt mind being better but thats more for improvment stuff, anyways good flash here.
And with everything already said here today, there is still some improvment areas that you can work on with some effort and more ideas to make it a bigger and badder flash then ever, so i have a few ideas here and i will get to those soon enough. Change the music so you have something differant each time, Slow down the lessons, more teaching how to draw each step with slower steps would be a plus to the learner and you as the teacher. And once again a larger view screen or canvus is much needed, not the small screen you have them on. Make larger buttons, and move the menu button to the top of the screen for more easier access. And last but not least, you have alot of tutorials in this one when you are on the menu page they are all "BUNCHED" up an idea of improvment here is make each one with borders more like an icon of sorts so that each one is easier to distinguise from the next, it looks more like one big pic,