Fun shooter
You have Processed alot into this game and shows the work you have done with the visuals, and bringsout a sense of entertaining value that i like to see in these types of games, And even some unnecessarily moments but ultimately it was still a fun flash entery and had lots of positive points that i came to enjoy, so keep up with that. Fun shooter game here, the graphics were notbad i like the different backrounds and some reall trippy ones that made for a fun game here, some levels were kind of hard but it was still pretty fun. The biggest or even the smallest projects are not the best ones, but i do like the little things you have done here, Its the little things like this one, that makes a game fun and entertaining, Hope to see more stuff like this from you soon.
You have engineered a good game here there are still some more ways to clean it up, i think i may have a few ideas that could make this into an even more engineered concept full of even more ideas and such