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Interesting game.

I liked what you have here today, some interesting and nifty visuals and made it all kind of interesting, a little touch ups here and there, would really make it even more fun i thought, but i am really impressed with the effort you put in here. OK so i found this game to be too easy, the medal was acheived as soon as i started playing, it was just too easy so you may want to work onthis and make it harder somehow, also by adding much more medals it would also create a better "CHALLANGE" but it was an interesting and intriging game, not sure i would recremend it to friends as it was just plain too easy,but as i said it was still an interesting and somewhat entertaining game. So i just want to say, I was pretty impressed with your work here, and the effort did show, just needs some touch ups here and there, but anyways you have a good submission and i look forward to more work from you, hopfully soon.

I have suggested a few ideas and maybe some small advice that should help if you are willing to take it and roll with it, and i promise it should make a much better outcome, even with these small changes, it would be a plus so these are some things to think about. You should really think about adding some more and extra medals it seemed to do very well with medals but again could use some more, so just a few more would even be great, The game was too easy the medal was too easy to get give it some challange make it harder to get.

Fun game

Good entry here, it was entertaining and kept me entertained thru-on out the entire submission, some additions could be added though, maybe some extra features and such, but i got some fun entertaining experience here, but still would like to see more on this. The whole idea of chopping down a tree is pretty neat, but i must say that as i was playing this i was very confused from the start, so did take me some time to get use too but overall this is still a fun and entertaining game, So as i get more into the game it does get fun and the controls are ok but as some advice why not have the movment of the "BLACK" chainsaw holder on the left like have the movment keys be A, S, D etc, The "MUSIC"in this was cool, and i really like your idea here it was something new and differant, and the medals really helped to keep this game alive and well entertaining. And so these puts me to close to ending the review, and as much as i have enjoyed this entry, it is still a pleasure to review this, i do look forward to more from you and hope to see much more from your efforts such as this one, but you did present something good here,

I love giving reviews and feedback in hopes of some positive exits, but judging is always hard but still i hope to post up some positive ideas and advice and in hopes that it will come out better then you have now, and if not its pretty good and good effort, Heres some advice that might help Have the movment keyes be A, S, D on the left side not the right

Fun and addictive.

Fun game here i even like what you did with the menu page there so nice work there, So First off you really put some effort into This Game and it keeps my interest, And thats a possitive, so props there on that part of the effort, So I did not get bored easily wich i can tend to do in some game, but with this one you did ok, so its a good presentation, nice all around. i was facinated with everything here, now some parts could be better and there could be some new ideas and adjustments, but ill explain that later. Ialso like that you have put in a few medals here another fun piece of the game so nice effort once again, So a great flash, even won some awards and that was a plus especially with this type, just shows some good effort on your part and hope to see more like this soon. Wow i really got a kick out of this game, the "SOUND" he makes is also kinda funny, the style of the game is "UNIQUE" and is somewhat differant to it, you do have to really think on some of these puzzle types though so good game here and i am really entertained by it so nice overall effort and good concept, the "MUSIC" was notbad either so nice job there aswell. also all the extra little moves here and there was a plus aswell, so i was reallt taken with this game and i think i will add it as one of my faves, OKgood game but gets hard fast maybe you can have a better progressive level system but still a fun game.

Improvments are a plus always making the game better So while this was a pretty interesting game, here are some tips and Ideas that may help to improve on it, So here are a few suggestions, some effort on your side will only make this even better. So give these options a try as they can make this game look and play better, hope to see some changes soon. So imentioned a possible easier way as it gets too hard too fast but other then that this was actually pretty good and fun game not to mention addictive.

Very fun game

So my Opening Remarks on this are that it was a decent game, now ofcourse there are a few things thatcould be better but thats for later in the improvments section of this review, But anyways you have a good game here, i like how this was presented and there was some fun value about it all and such, so its a good fun start of a game, it can be better with some adjustments though. Ok so an interesting game sofar, The game was fun and some decent "GRAPHICS" i was kind of sadened that you only had one medal in this you should have fit in a few more medals somehow, the music you put with this was kind of interesting aswell, everything was working very well together, I love the "PUZZLE" style of the game, the gameplay is fun and makes you think, kind of reminds me of the game me and a partner made with "GHOST-MOTEL" games but anyways good gameplay here. And i also must say that the "WALK-THRU" was ahelpfull guid in completing this but the fun is more in completing it without, still nice and helpfull. and most of all i liked the addition of some "VOICES" really made the game more fun and enjoyble. simple game funny story and well put together could use more medals though. I liked this flash, So overall this was actually a pretty good flash, there were a few things that could be better as suggested above, but overall it was pretty good, You have a good style and the effort shows in the game, you could use a few more things here but overall its a fresh fun game, But anyways Keep up the good work. This was a decent game entry.

Utilise some of the better ideas, in a more eficiant way, and bring out the weaker points of the game and really work on those areas, I have suggested some of the weaker ideas and suggested how they can be improved, so those would be the areas to work on, and make this a more fun and entertaining game, untill then good luck on your next flash works. Add more medals. make the game longer and more stuff to do you have a good game here now just expand on it but for sure add more medals.

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