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Strange yet fun game.

Well, what you see is what you get - just a nice piece designed with some good effort to bring out some quality, and you have done just that. You have already impressed me with this one and hope it continues your success here on newgrounds.
So this was an interesting game,i see that you have even won an "AWARD" for it well thats another A+ in my book so congrats, i was happy that the size was not too large for my computer to handle either so nice job there, anyways onto your game, oh by the way glad to see lots of medals its always a fun experience the more the medals there are, I can see why you won an award, the "GRAPHICS" alone was superb and the sound was notbad either so gppd job and props to you on a decent and good quality of a game here. Allright so the game was slightly "DISTURBING" with touching and in van stuff but kinda funny i guess and its just a game i suppose, the game play is fun and interesting, Well, is there anything else that needs be said about a Flash like this? I feel that a little more should be said, because the content is not perfect. It is very moving, but is not where it needs to be to garner the full five stars from me,

So with this one i thought some things were slightly overused, but that didnt really hurt it, Maybe you can experiment here and there with things, There is still Plenty of room for some improvment. I think i have only noticed one little issue with the game and that was that bieber can tend to get stuck up behind the van and such sometimes, something to look into.

Kinda hard with this one.

Wow, I love this, the way that you've put in such a lot of effort, to get this far, with some frankly brilliant entry, So you have done the time and effort, and thats what drew my attention, so keep doing what you do, and ill keep interested in all your works. This game was interesting, i am glad that you won an award for this game so "CONGRATS" on that, The few medals was not too appealing so maybe adding some extra medals would benice, So the "INTERFACE" on this was kind of nifty, and the controls were explained very well, So this game was hard right at first, i think you should have some sort of "HINT" option or guid option incase you get stuck. I think that the idea in here, really isn't my kettle of fish, but i still found some entertaining value in and through-out the flash. and by the end i was enjoying your idea, so while it took awhile i adapted to your ideas and style.

I like this one, you could still have this Transformed into something more, and something more positive, allthough you did a pretty good job as it is, There are Numerous things that you could do to add some extra concept ideas, So one thing that i think could make this better would be to have more medals, it would increase the fun raing and keep it going for more replay value so add medals as it was kind of lacking in some. So as i suggested above you should have some sort of Hint option or guid option incase you get stuck.

Fun like zelda

Alright where do i start, you have alot going on with this one, its pretty interesting and pretty fun once you get into it and such, you have got the skills and for sure the ideas, you could use more depth in some areas but ofcourse ill comment on that later. So a great flash, even won some awards and that was a plus especially with this type, just shows some good effort on your part and hope to see more like this soon. and nice job on the "INTRO" it was cute and it made for a nice little intro, the "AUDIO" was nice aswell, ok so as soon as i seen the instructions on this one, it was wow this is just like "ZELDA" lol thats cool though. even the first boss was the snake like creature just like in zelda lol, guess you really like the zelda games, So this was a fun game alot like zelda, pretty entertaining, there should be some more medals though. I think that while this piece was as I said above, Pretty decent, it could have been longer and perhaps some extra added elements but maybe you can cover that in future updates.

I cant Encourage enough to keep doing what you have been doing because you know how to bring the fun out, Maybe you could add some extras for that extra Exposure and such, This game has alot of potential, just a few medals kinda makes me a sad camper, so adding a few extra medals would be nice.

Very addictive

Alright so i will start this review off with a word and that is that this was outstanding and even a little divine but thats just because i did enjoy this, ultimately you could work more on this, And i will elaborate a little more on that later So notbad with this one and looks like alot of fun too, Not alot of flash can win awards but when the effort does show off as does this one then its worth it and this one was worthit for sure so fantastic job there, and props to you on the awards. ok so wow as i do play and get into the game it gets pretty intense the controls are differant but as you get into it, its pretty fun, music is good and graphics are nice and smooth, The game is not that hard and gets really exciting and fun. i think the onlything that could be better is abit more smoothness on the ship movment. Well, what needs to be said? It's fantastic, the submission brings alot of emotion and alot quality through-out, so i do like your effort and style, hope to see more of your work like this soon.

I will take a deeper dive into this topic as i think it will help and improve on a few points i saw needing some more attention, So here are some options, and advice that you may look into. More smoothness on the ship movment, i think maybe some "FLASHY" effects could also on with the weapons and such.

Decent game here

This has a Swanky and even a Groovy visual effect to it, wich was nice and somewhat fitting, So in my eyes you have Distributed something pretty good here something solid and an overall good flash piece, Interesting game here, I do want to take some time and congradualte you on the time and effort and from that you won some awards so congradulations on the awards thats always a pleasure, so nice job on that aspect of things. So this was an interesting game, some nice soothing music, and some nice gameplay, allthough its just a dream its still a fun game, the controls are nice and smooth and the graphics was even better. anyways good job. I may not be the world's biggest fan but this piece shows a lot of foresight of skill and well done effort put forward into it so that i am pleased with. And overall as a whole this is pretty good.

You could probably do some touch up and even Extend this flash just a bit, Theres some Minor Details that you could address, And even Substituting some stuff here and there, this is a Genuinely decent flash you have here, No real changes, but maybe you can add some extra effects like when he is flying or doing other stuff some sort of flash effects would be nice.

A puzzle game

So im not gonna be all Negitive here and there shouldnt be a reason to be Negitive, but i will suggest some ideas later, I actually thought this was Spectacular in its own right mind, It was pretty Loaded with some interesting ideas, So here you have an interesting game i like the whole puzzle like, and the idea was pretty basic, And the game is pretty straight forward go from a to b so a very good game here, even the "MUSIC" is pretty good i thought, the Graphics and visuals could be much better though, the grid could use a more sleeker design maybe more colors more design to it. so every puzzle was pretty easy except #15 as that was the trickiest. some sort of hint option, like level 25 is kinda even harder. Well I do look forward to seeing What else you have planned or chose to come up with your work is well showen and i cant wait to see what else comes up. but you do have something interesting and entertaining here.

So here was something i liked and i like your style of attacking it aswell, This was something that could be more Pollished though, even a Tweak or two all for the better good of the improvment stages, And all it really takes is some Substituting here and there, So as some advice on improving this you could really improve on it by improving the "visual grid" and overal greaphics, maybe some extra design on the grid and some extra shades and sharp details wouldnt hurt. maybe you should have some sort of "HINT" option if you get in trouble would make for a good feature.

Fun and fast

In todays world of flash you tend to see alot of the same of maybe this or maybe that, but what you have is is something thats different from the rest, your style, your effort, and your quality, so in that sense you have made it different for sure and even unique from the rest of what we tend to see. This was your classic pong but you added some style to it, i was upto 3/4 pong balls and it was already getting tough, i do apprecieate all the medals but there might be an issue or bug with them as they give all the medals at once, but anyways a fun and interesting game, pong at its best. I like this for a number of points, its good seeing flexible elements to this, you have also added some style, and quality to it, Wich is why i have enjoyed it as much as i have, keep up the quality efforts.

So for the past ten plus years I have played some amazing games, not all perfect but nothing really is on here so with this improvment section I will suggest some possble improvments, I do hope you use them or some atleast they can be positive changes. You should make the medals a little harder, just a tad atleast.

This one was pretty interesting

I have reviewed somany of these kinds of games from the worst to some average ones to the best ones out there, And this entry would be right up there, its not perfect but its notbad either, its pretty fun aswell as some good fun comes with this one. So this one was pretty interesting, and its festive so thats notbad, i didnt come along till late in the dates so i guess i missed some medals :( but it was still a fun little game, it was very artistic with all the art sizes and such, but overall this was a good game and good easy medals aswell. With this entry you put up some smiles on the viewers, and your concept of this game really shines good, and so with that said just keep making these awsome game types it brings us all fun, pleasure, and good entertainment.

You have sprayed the most interestung stuff through-out this flash, mostly good, I guess there is a few things you could do to make it better, so here are options and ideas. Maybe after its all said and done you can make it so people can go back and achieve some of those older medals somehow.

TurkeyOnAStick responds:

Please don't review my stuff anymore, Wayne, cos you never say anything of value.

Take for example this review: "There is a few things you could do to make it better" ... but then you say absolutely nothing about how it could be improved.

Very fun and addictive

No Lackluster areas of this one, but there are some points that could be improved and such, You still have a good Representation and a very Acceptable flash with good standards, so with this i was pretty impressed, Haha ok i have has some major fun with this game its intense it reallymakes you think and its simple, the graphics are alright but its the whole concept of the game that makes this very fun and a fun experience, as i play it gets pretty tough its still fun though and i think you have done a fantastic job here with some nice effects and combos, i wouldnt mind some easier medals like play for an amount of time or some earlier stage medals. I admit that I wasn't too interested in this at first, but it certainly got better as it gets deeper, so nice ideas here. and i can see this even doing more with some small adjustments here and there.

You have lots of Contributions towards making this pretty good, Maybe i have a few ideas that could be tossed around here and there, And by Instituting some of the ideas that i will suggest in a bit some easier medals like low level then progress upto some other higher medals would be a nice touch.

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