So this one is interesting
And once again i find myself with another decent and even at times outstanding submission here, its a pretty decent game you have created here, and shows in the outcome of it all, There was some high and low points thruout the submission some areas that can be fixed and ultimately cleaned up on certain areas, but I found this to be pretty nifty of a flash works. But anyways notbad of a dress up game and or start to one, the character screen seemed slightly small, even putting hair on his head, was being cut off so that tells me that you need to add a much larger design area and or canvus, The props and clothing were ok but maybe you should not use such "THICK" lines of a brush tool, a thinner line will show more detail Also you should add more random and more unique items, even adding some animated ones would spice things upon this one. and its something to try, But anyways a good effort here could use a few adjustments for improvment. And Here once again I find one of those unique and interesting with a nifty touch good flash's so glad i saw this it was pretty good and had some entertaining value to it, nice effort here. I look forward to seeing other stuff like this, hope everyone enjoyes this, you have a good game here some slight fixes can make it even better though. So keep up the fine work here.
Ideas, Ideas. and even more ideas thats what its more or less about, Here are some Tips and ideas to better improve on this delightfull game, Sometimes it just takes one or two ideas to really get the game going and even on a more popular note so considar some of these ideas. as they are in place to help and make things better, so try them out or some atleast. So with this one a bigger canvus and some backrounds would work and some more random items would help also. Dont use a thick brush tool for the outline of the props and even character it tends to look sloppy, and you show more detail with a thinnner one