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Fun and entertaining

Haha well you presented us with a fun and entertaining game, the one kind of kick can get bland so a way to improve on this would be to have a "SHOP" where you can buy different and new kicking legs with some very big and small and crazy ones making this game much more fun.

I suggested a few options for multple leg options in a shop, would improve on this fun game.


Very nice

Well I have to say this was actually a pretty nice game controls reacted perfectly you had some nice goals, the graphics are notbad and has an old style feel to it some nice ideas here in this game and i liked it very much indeed, overall I got a good feeling I really took a liking to this Game and It really grew on me, there was lots of nice stuff on this, and some goodplay time as the game was pretty amusinga nd entertaining, some suggestions were made for some adjustments to the game to make it somewhat better and improved, So with all that said, this was pretty decent, allthough it could use more stuff and such, also suggested below, it was still pretty good just needs a tad more effort but it will pay off In the long run, just keep working on it, and always do what is fun to you. anyways nice work here. keep it up.

Maybe some small flashy effects though just on enterting doors getting keys etc.


angryoscah responds:

Thanks! Great to hear that you liked the game! There is a lot to improve in this game, and it's true that the game needs more meat. I have to admit that I completely forgot visual effects and that's something that could have improved the game. I'm not sure whether I'll continue to work on this project because I worked on this for one year so I might do something else now. However, I might one day remake this game and make it even better with your fantastic feedback. Thanks for the great feedback!

Classic game

Yes this reminds me of one of those classic games like from "ATARI" you gave the right music that fit so well but I have to say there are a few things you can do with this like ad more levels, have you die after a few crashes, and have the roads turn and twist or just different road maps of different sorts. but for what its worth its a fun game.

I have to say there are a few things you can do with this like ad more levels, have you die after a few crashes, and have the roads turn and twist or just different road maps of different sorts.


Really good game

Now here was a really good game the graphics are very smooth and the "ART" is so smooth the animation aswell is very smooth and refreshing, its one of those games you would see on the smart phones, a very nice game indeed, and I like it very much, I dont have one negitive thing to say about this game maybe ad some medals to it.

A great idea to improve on this gamemight be to add some medals, they have proven to make most games much more fun addictive and have lots of quality to them, so a fun tip add some medals.



Ok so at first I did not know what this game was about but I have to say it was actually pretty entertaining, the "SPANKING" was fun and the stick figures reactions, onlything I think you could have done better here might be that making his reactions a bit more funny more flashy effects but other then that a fun game.

onlything I think you could have done better here might be that making his reactions a bit more funny more flashy effects.


Notbad of a game

So there was a lot going on in this game and a lot of detail this is one of those kinds of games you can ad some "MEDALS" but anyways good game nice shooting and very active game I had some fun with it, Have to rework the "BUNKER" and allow for more use of money but it was still kind of fun.

I mentioned a few things you could work on especially with money and bunker and medals.


Trippy game

So this game is powered by all the positives that make it run smooth, and driven by some nifty ideas that bring great results so lets keep that vibe up. Wow this was a trippy game you have here the "CONTROLS" are very smooth and respond on contact so nice job there, I love the black and white style and love the ambient music it all makes this game a pleasure, I wouldnt mind a splash of color in there though like between levels or something. You have a brilliant game here, you bring long term effectivness as it is a key to success and you have established that for the mostpart.

I wouldnt mind a splash of color in there though like between levels or something.



Well here you have a simple little game kind of like the whole cups and walnuts idea wich makes for a good game and you presented it here on a flash version and have never seen that done but you have the right idea, I think your view screen should be much larger.

A larger view screen for better visuals.



Well seems like progress was making some good points and you just kinda stopped after abit but i did like the visuals you put forward here with some nice style here great idea to and looked to be a great game. the progress was notbad at all I look forward for the day you do finish it.

Fun game but does need to be finished.



Well I must say this was actually a pretty good game notbad at all some nice "GRAPHICS" very nice details, the visuals are just very real, Now there was some "LAG" could be because of the high end graphics and visuals. but I like the game and it was fun. This was A really decent and fun Submission, allthough it did lack some stuff, it could still be better, So i have mentioned some ideas and even basic stuff that other games use so these ideas can be used or not but they will help to improve on things, you have something decent here and the effort shows but could still use a few more additions of stuff and so on, but with all that said good game here. i look forward to even more.

here was some lag could be because of the high end graphics and visuals. just something to look out for.


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