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Notbad of a game

And my Opening Remarks on this flash are that I was really impressed with how this started and gone thru all the way thru to the end a decent submission, and ofcourse all flash works that do come thru here could use some small adjustments, ill get to that later, But as a start of this I was pretty impressed, and hope it continues that way thruout this and other entries. So as I play this game the graphics are intense, and a stylish game so nice work indeed. some flashy effects and some added game medals would be nice on this. anyways nice game you have here.

some flashy effects and some added game medals would be nice on this.


Good game here

You have Engineered a good game here, it has lots to see and do, allthough it could use more in some parts but that will ultimately be explained later, But as I start off this submission, I like what you have presented here and there are some fun and entertaining stuff as this gets started, I do hope to see more of it thruout so keep it rolling. I like the game its simple and fun seems like this is the type of game you could ad some "MEDALS" too

Ad some medals.



OK well good game you have here I would really like to see this Thrive and Flourish into something great, I can elaborate in more detail on that later, but you may want to find any Lacking and unnecessarily elements and make them more better and efficient for the game so that it runs better aswell, But you have a good start into something good here. But you should finish this, ad more items ad much more options even some animated items would be nice, and update it with a finished product.

you should finish this, ad more items ad much more options even some animated items would be nice


Great game

To start off this review is kind of hard because Theres so much to start with, I guess I will start off by saying that This was kind of nifty work you have here, ultimately This can even be better with a few extra details and suggestions, Because after seeing and playing with this game I can see that you are capable of, and that makes me really interested in this and your other works, but anyways as for this flash entry. a really great game here of strategy and a nice style its tricky and you really have to think of each new turn I didnt get far but it was a fun game.

Not really anything maybe if one thing it would have more heart oprtunities.


Good game

So unnecessarily I found this flash by random chice but I must say it was a pretty good find as it was an entertaining and flashy game, now I still think there could be some more work in other places, and I will ofcourse elaborate more on that in abit, But in moderation it could use a few things here and there giving it that extra push it needs to be even better then it is. Ok so the game itself was really fun And I didnt really know how to start it or play it atfirst but got the hang of it, its a pretty deep game too and I had fun playing and reviewing it, you should ad some medals to this game those would work well in a game like this.

you should ad some medals to this game those would work well in a game like this


EggysGames responds:

I used to use Flash to make my games, and this is my first game in Unity so I had not tested the medal system in it, but I will probably get around to doing that and adding them later.

Thanks for the review I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I am really enjoying this submission of yours, Its pretty entertaining, As for Lacking areas in this flash entry it was ok there could be some changes and cleaning up points, I will elaborate more on that in the improvments, But from a starting point this was actually notbad of a start on this submission, and was pretty impressed with a few things, so lets get this review really started now. But anyways the game was fun and hard to figure out till I found some naked lady lol, the medals were a nice addition, you should make a bonus level like secerte door or something, anyways nice game.

you should make a bonus level like secerte door or something


Tricky but fun game.

And here we have a decent game, and a good submission entry, there was some decent imagry and visuals, and also had some fun gameplayabout it all, I did like some good points in this, However there are some points that could use more effort but I will elaborate thatlater in the review, but overall this was a decent start of a game entry. and you Processed a good flash here So I had fun with the game seemed kind of hard at first but as you get through it its pretty fun.

Some bonus level would be nice.


Fun game

So this was a fun game here I like the style and there's some good energy in this the gameplay is pretty good and I had some fun with this one hope you make more like this as it was pretty cool so nice job anyways nice work keep up the solid gaming

Really nothing as this was pretty solid


Wow amazing

So amazing game you have here this was beyond amazing it's really good and a nice style it's action packed the graphics are notbad the music was fitting and this was an overall good game I like the game play here you did well on this game anyways nice work

Make more of these as they are so fun


Really good game

Now this was really good game you have here I like it alot especially love the opening scene with the menu and such that was pretty impressive and just fun to see as you don't see that often but you did make a good game here and congrats on the winning of awards

Really nothing with this one it was brilliant


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