
11,872 Game Reviews

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a that was awsome, the backrounds were just perfect, the control was abit confusing at first but notbad, overall a good and fun game, nice sticks and the power ratings


Haha nice

Fun and simple I was taken back by how interesting this really is, The character was simple but it was cute the blood splatter was nice, it maye be simple but you really made it an interesting game


The pong craze

Could possibly ad on more features to give it more interest something different then the average pong It seems like there really is a big boom and craze in these pong games and you have pushed this little pong game here for us and I have to tell you it's a nice and nifty pong game nothing fancy here but it was fun and even entertaining at times so nice pong game entry



A tricky game indeed kind of like angry birds type You have done something nifty here with this game it has some good entertaining value and some nice things to do and see so, I love that you made each level something different and hard I was pretty impressed with it I wouldnt mind seeing more though but keep up the decent efforts You have a divine piece of work here, A good block game very fun and tricky


The game is fun

So another fun game you have created here I had ablast with this game, wish there were more medals, but also think you could enlarge the text like the play button or the easy or hard buttons the target point was small, but anyways good game


Fun game

I like the simple art on this once again I find myself with another decent and even at times outstanding submission, The concept and progress of the game was tricky but it ended up to be a wild one


Alikhan2112 responds:

thanks for the review! i really appreciate it!

Some decent pong

Fun and simple with this version love the oldstyle atari screen here Well I have to say that this was some decent pong you have created would have loved even more special effects and more twists on this but I found it to be a fun pong game here and you can't go wrong with that so this was notbad of a game even as pong


Nice game

The big character was different but was a fun game To start off this review is kind of hard because Theres a lot of nifty stuff about this game I found no lackluster points The graphics are fun simple and fun, the gameplay was nice, Could use some added features and more effects it was a divine piece of work, A fun game here


Very nice

I love the neon tracks and the 3/D effects of this game Everything in this has processed very well and effectively it was acceptable no I take that back infact it was spectacular and I didnt find much lackluster areas, Its fun and gets fast the tracks are really good but you do have some nice work here and it can only get better from here on out so nice job overall hope to see more, can play tricks on the eyes but its a fun game


Pong game

I love the old black and white game screen on this one A fun and simple pong game here but with a twist and vibe of energy to keep the game going strong so it's nice to see the pong game of yesterday to come a live today and with a twist of energy so with this pong game you showcased some fun pong gameplay


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