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Wow I have to say this game was actually notbad at all, I had fun with the gravity "PULLS" and "PUSHES" it was really nice and the medals were not easy but still moderate enough to gain, I would make the screen larger so that you can have more things to shoot for or stuff like that, so nice game.

I would make the screen larger so that you can have more things to shoot for or stuff like that



So this was a cool game, you have an interesting idea here the "COMPUTER" controller is kind of slow but I like the idea of this game here, Speed up the computer controllers turn or ai, Not too much flash games and movies really dazzle me, but thats because everything is always the same, You have gone and made the effort to change this one and make it different from the others, And I will say that this one has dazzled me to the max. you have effectively made something prettygood here.

Speed up the computer controllers turn or ai


Kind of fun

So this was a fun game here I like the searching of all the coins and such and there was a alot and the medals are nice too this was notbad at all of a game you have a creative mind here these click adventure games are fun it was a pleasent game with the music and all, I would suggest adding more puzzles to this one, anyways nice game.

I would suggest adding more puzzles to this one


selfdefiant responds:


Wow nice game

This game was really "DEEP" with all sorts of elements the "MADNESS" theme is great and what you do best at, The "SHOOTING" was intense and the fact you can shoot at different view shots was impressive the graphics was really good nice shades and well done on details, you have put some energy into this game and it shows off well, I guess I'm a little late on reviewing this. but thought I would go ahead and get started on it now, and there were alot of fun and amusing things about this so dont know where to start but there was some nice and entertaining areas that I really liked. This is not Spectacular but its getting there.

Well here I am once again looking for some improvment points or some possible suggestion, to be honest with this one you did ok and I would be lucky to find much as its already a decent looking game. So again I will say this does not need any changes at this time.



So this was cool and you throw a different "TWIST" on the game of "PONG" here very nice effect here I would throw on some more fancy effects on this, it was an entertaining and fun time waster game, the visual effects are actually notbad on this one and was an enjoyble game.

I would throw on some more fancy effects on this


This was ok

So this was actually notbad of a game it was interesting and "REMINDS" me of those old classics of pc window games I like that you can control a person in this one and have some decent interactivity about it, you should ad more nifty options that a pc does have some other and new elements would sufice, anyways nice little game here.

you should ad more nifty options that a pc does have some other and new elements would sufice



So this game was cool an older classic but has the "STYLE" of a good shooter here the screen was kind of small and could be bigger, really other then that it respoded well and this was one of those games you could really upgrade too with medals and maybe gun upgrades and stuff, but its a fun game I liked it.

this was one of those games you could really upgrade too with medals and maybe gun upgrades and stuff


Well notbad

Seems like you put lots of "ENERGY" and time into this game with lots of art and gameplay really fun art was smooth looking voices are amazing, now one thing I would really love to see would be adding some intense and snazzy effects on impact moments, From the start, I want to point out that I feel that QUALITY of this game warrants a higher rating, because you have presented of good quality here but seems the score could be better. This was pretty Groovy if you ask me, so keep that up. its all good stuff.

I would really love to see would be adding some intense and snazzy effects on impact moments


Love it

Alright so I will start this review off with a word and that is that this was outstanding and even a little divine but thats just because I did enjoy this, I like all the different "CHOICES" in the game thats what really makes this fun the stick characters are funny and good voice acting for them, Onlything I would change on this might be when you are retrying different items or weapons and it goes thru same cycle session story to have a skip option to not see that same session story six times, ultimately you could work more on this, And I will elaborate a little more on that later in the improvments section, butfor the most part you do have something pretty decent.

Onlything I would change on this might be when you are retrying different items or weapons and it goes thru same cycle session story to have a skip option to not see that same session story six times, I would even ad some subtitles like with the judge scene and such.


PuffballsUnited responds:

Subs are def gonna be a thing. And the Map feature from FtC is super useful, I would put that in.

Very Nice

Wow this was good I especially love the "STORY" you put fourth into this, The character is fun the "GAMEPLAY" and actions with controls are very smooth, The game is jam packed and theres really no upgrades you need here you guys know how to make a solid game so no changes on this one, Wow, I love this, the way that you've put in such a lot of effort, to get this far, with some frankly brilliant entry, So you have done the time and effort, and thats what drew my attention, so keep doing what you do, and ill keep interested in all your works. This was actually a pretty Spectacular piece and I hope you keep making stuff like this.

The game is jam packed and theres really no upgrades you need here you guys know how to make a solid game so no changes on this one


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