
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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This was cool

so you have a nice game here it was pretty interesting these click and find kinds of games are notbad I think some of the elements were really good, it was not as smooth as I thaught somewhat glichy at times maybe something you could look into, and so that brings an end to this review the game was good it had some entertaining value some interest was high on this one, and basicly kept me focused on everything that was going on and i look forward to seeing more soon. you made this Tastefully and you did it with Confident efforts, so that was really good and I was glad i had a chance to see this.

it was not as smooth as I thaught somewhat glichy at times maybe something you could look into,



Well I was really impressed with this game here it was something very unuque the "MUSIC" was really good quality the game play was fun you should ad some medals to this game it would really ad to the fun, OK so you have something good here, but does need that little extra and there were a few things that could be better with some lil extras and so on, ill explain some of that below in improvments but more on and ending note this was an ok game just needs some more push in the right direction, hope to see more from you though, anyways good luck.

you should ad some medals to this game it would really ad to the fun


A nice game here

The health bar seems to have an issue not sure if you were gonna work on that or not but overall this was a fun game here, the art was amazing, Now with all thatsaid i dont wish to bore you any longer, and want to close off this review before I get to improvments, but like I said before this is a decent entry there are probably some areas you could have done better, but overall its a decent flash fun and somewhat entertaining, and overall I had a good experience with this all, so nice work here.

The health bar seems to have an issue not sure if you were gonna work on that or not but overall this was a fun game


Fun game

So this was notbad it was a tad short and could even use more puzzles about it but I enjoyed it, Ok so with all that said and done, there was some good parts in this flash entry, there were some parts that could be better on your end, but again i must say for the most part of this it was notbad at all, just needs some changes here and there, But you have something decent and something to go with for something even better on the next run.

it was a tad short and could even use more puzzles about it but I enjoyed it



So this was nice I like the game here and you seem to always make great games as this was a really great game and had some fun it this very amusing aswell you made it very entertaining I'm not even sure what I would improve on this game it has it all from good gameplay to good graphics and some entertaining factor here but anyways this was notbad hope you make more soon

As mentioned just above and does not need any changes


Intense game

So this was an intense game you really made for a fun story too this one was jam packed with lots of fun ideas I really liked it so nice work

No changes on this fun game



So here was a fantastic game you have here with some nice effects that make it even more fun the game controls not too hard the gameplay is fun as it gets it did seem too easy though and I think you can find ways to make it harder more together situations would be nice but overall I found this game to be pretty fun and entertaining of course but that's my take on this fine game of yours

Some added methods and way that could make this game harder

I rather decent game

Well this was a rather decent game you have here I like the idea of this as always congrats on the award so that tells me back in the day this had some buzz about it and I agree even today this game has some nice buzz about it this is one of of those games I would suggest anything because it already does what it's supposed too and has some decent graphics but regardless this was a cool game

As I just mentioned this type of game needs no changes



Well this was notbad of a game I liked it but was really confused at first but soon after Abit I found this game to be fun I like the idea you have here I think adding more to it more interactivity to it would be a plus but overall this was actually pretty entertaining and had fun with it I also enjoyed reviewing this game so nice job there so for sure will be on the lookout for more games by you guys


Decent game

So this one reminded me a lot like a dress up but you have your own twist on it and that's what I liked about I would have never pegged you guys for a game like this but it was still interesting I like the fresh style on this it had some nice elements about it and the game play was kind of fun so no problems here I enjoyed it though


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