
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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Nice game

So this was a good game of pong the ai is different but this game has some nice graphics the background elements could be improved though sometimes some extra back end graphics is nice


KingKombat responds:

I appreciate the review brother! I don't know how you found this but I made this game when I was 12 and copied a tutorial I found online, line for line. I'm 28 now and I can safely tell you that this is absolute dogshit. I've made infinitely better things in the past 16 years. Thank you for reviewing anyhow!

Great game

So this was a really good tower defense game it brings the quality of the game out so nice work visuals wise but the game itself is pretty intense and just overall a fun game to play



So the game is nice I like the fact it's a point and click here some good play too the details are nice just need to wait on certain points but overall it's a fun game especially if point and click style


Good controls

The controls are very smooth on this the game is pretty visually good the gameplay runs good too so this is like pong but has a very crisp and fresh gameplay about it so nice game here



A good shooter here I love the mix of power upgrades and even choices of levels was pretty nice some good fun and a good playthrough a nice shooter indeed a fun game indeed here


Decent game

Haha this was a fun game, addictive and entertaining, simple but fun, i had a good time with it and it gets tough too, anyways nice game, i had fun with it but does need some improving on the art and graphics


Fun and addictive, it kept me playing a few times i was well entertained with it, and it was really nice with the graphics, not as laggy as i thaught either, very well done keep it up keep up with the colorful art style


Fun game here

Well here was a fun game, lots of levels and lots of upgrades the graphics are really good I actually spent a lot of time on this but I could see you adding more medals, really entertaining game and it keeps you interested so nothing dull here just a fun shooter up game



Well this was for sure an interesting game I like the fusion of pin ball and shower but do feel like you could have added much more medals for different things, a unique concept and just overall fun game And here is a submission Loaded with lots of goodies and the development is just as good this one also had a great Buzz about it, Nice shower pin-ball


A fun game

A nice and fun game here pretty smooth on the long run, I liked the music but seems like you could mix up the music choices, The story could use more depth and more interacting with the gameplay, but regardless it was a nice game keep up the good work


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