
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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A fun game

So this was a nice and fun game you have here some very simplist idea but you made it fun the graphics were nice on the characters the music was pretty nifty here so no major changes needed on this game at all, anyways nice work hope to see more of your game work sometime.

so no major changes needed on this game at all


Very intense

Now this was an intense game you have here really nice mechanics on this game some very intense graohics like the carrots and such it was an intense game great gameplay you could even ad some medals and give it some added excitment, some good game work here.

some medals would be nice with this


Nifty little game

So this was a nifty little game here with some nice graphics and detail here, the music was cute and was fitting for the game, really good idea for this game too this is another game where there could be some added medals and make it more fun anyways nice game.

this is another game where there could be some added medals and make it more fun


Cute game

So this was a nice and cute game you have created here, some fresh colors and nice designs here the music was very refreshing for this game here seems like a game you could have some medals on and give it some exciting element about it so nice job here on this one.

some medals on this would be cool


Decent game

So this was notbad at all I am loving the top view of the game here and has some nice style stepping in the fire didnt really hurt me but I have to say the graphics from the top view is pretty good, so overall I had fun with this game here I look forward to even more

ad more details and effects



Well this was something different its not everyday you get to see these text like games this one was pretty fun though and I liked it seems like you coould ad onto this and make some more fun elements maybe adding on some medal ideas maybe some added color even.

Some added color and some medals would be nice too


Haha nice

So this was cool I like how fast the mechanics run with this B seems like there was not a lot to do but move around at a fast rate and some added backround details would be nice on this game and more interactivity aswell, but I got some fun out of this game.

some added backround details would be nice on this game and more interactivity aswell


Great game

So this was a nice game I love the character designs and attacking with a sabre very nice indeed you could improve on this game with some added medals and some more nifty effects on action moments, besides all that this was a pretty cool game here so nice job.

you could improve on this game with some added medals and some more nifty effects on action moments


Nice game here

Alright so it could be improved with some sleeker and smoother graphics and interface and some sound would be nice too, So this was a nice game here of tic-tac-toe you have here this was very nice indeed this was a classic game and adding a new twist on things is always fun you have presented a nice tic-tac-toe game here I like the visual you pushed on this game a nice experience overall.

could be improved with some sleeker and smoother graphics and interface and some sound would be nice too


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