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A great classic

I love the interface I do think this could use some sound to it though, its fun Cant go wrong with some tic-tac-toe and you have presented some nice game here a classic as tic tac toe is always fun you added some small extras that make this somewhat more exciting but I have to say this was a great classic game remade so nice job on this one.

think this could use some sound to it


Cool beans

So this was a nice little pac-man clone like game it was hard getting through the upwards and downwards areas, maybe make the view screen larger too, Well these are still fun even if they are a clone or just an old classic, they are pretty good you cant go wrong with a pac man game though and I like how this one has some small additions to it, its a nifty little game though I was pleased with the outcome here though.

maybe make the view screen larger too



Well you put a twist on this pac-man game love the graphics and the pac-man music So these pack-man types are always fun this was something good though you did ad a "SMALL-TWIST" to this one and made it your own in a way its still always fun seeing these old "PAC-MAN" clones and even turned into something else but you did well here on this one.

no changes on this game



Well these are pretty nice the screen size could be larger so everything is not all bunched up, So this was notbad these games are kind of unique and different I like the "CREATIVE" aspect of these games, it allows one to really dress the design or character up very well, and I really like the work here so nice job indeed, hope you make more dress-up types just like this one.

the screen size could be larger so everything is not all bunched up


Notbad could be better

I would say that for a "2000" Flash game this was notbad, but do think its time for an update, first of all i would suggest making the "VIEW-SCREEN" much bigger, it was small and not much you could do in the view screen area you did have so making it much bigger would only be a plus on your part and allow for more enjoyment for the people who checkout the flash. The character could use some better work aswell, i like how he is but more creation could be set in place there, overall it was a pretty good flash game, it ran slow though with all the buttons and stuff, also this seems like the type that you can add some medals and would really improve on this old yet nifty game.

This was a great flash its also the type that could use some medals would really give the flash more popularity, and more play ability, and re-play value aswell, its a great option to have on any game. make the viewscreen much bigger, it was small and not much you could do in the view screen area you did have so making it much bigger would only be a plus on your part and allow for more enjoyment for the people who checkout the flash.



Haha fun game, and ome of the art was funny looking, very amusing, the sound/fx was funny, and as for the artwork it was ok but could have more detail like some shading effects and fresher and sharp looking color themes, anyways fun game, could be better with going down other roads and stuff, nitbad work, hope to see more soon

could have more detail like some shading effects and fresher and sharp looking color themes


it was funny

Funny could use more ideas though maybe an improved backround or something the backround was a tad lacking something to work on I supose but I did find this pretty funny stuff here so nice job here on this one, anyways keep up the good work

More stuff to do and some backrounds differant from wha you have



Alright so this was amusing this was for sure an old style of making those silly shooter games but made for some fun, I think you can work on the "BLOOD" a tad better more dripping and so on. anyways fun amusing game.

So as mentioned working on the blood and some slight improved shading and details all around would be a plus.



Well so as I just reviewed the prev one there doesnt seem to be much of a change from game to game, I was expecting more change more graphics changes aswell as some different targets and whatnot.

So like the other one this could use some changes alot simular to the other ones, graphics, more detail, better blood effects.


Awsome old gadget

Lol ok this was pretty funny, i think i remember having one of those watches that was like this, it was pretty amazing, at the time but very dumb after two minutes lol, kinda neat to see how you put it up here, but this cute little device you have here could be abit better, possibly with more options, and i wouldnt mind seeing some "COLOR" on this too on the actual action on the screen, i know that it was that whole lcd screen and all but still, maybe if you just put in the color for the text, maybe like a "NEON GREEN" now that might be kinda neat and still spicing it up without messing with the screen and all, just somethiing to think about, but also i would like to see this improved like with a larger screen even, so maybe a larger viewscreen of the whole flash and all, now these are just a few ideas that could really spruce things up abit, but for the mostpart i really did have fun with this, and it was entertaining so nice job all around on this one.

well a few things i mentioned would be a larger "VIEW-SCREEN" and even more options with a touch of color for the text that pops up with each action, but for sure more options.


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