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So this was pretty cool and was a nifty "IDEA" you could actually make this better with some more "ACTIONS" so theres other options and such, but just an idea and I do get that this is an older game, I do think you could do more with it though it has some decent potential.

you could actually make this better with some more actions so theres other options


Nice game

So this game has "LOTS-OF-DEPTH" it had a very deep story but the one medal is a let down you should ad much more medals and make it so you can earn more different ones for different goals woould keep it more exciting, anyways nice game here great art and greaphics here.

More medals



This was notbad, the music was "FITTING" and the action was kind of slow and could use more medals but overall still a fun little game you have here, maybe even some added flashy effects on this game, overall it was still fun so nice work here make more soon.

some added flashy effects, could use more medals


JauqGames responds:

Glad you enjoyed your time in my game, this game a bit more than a year old at this point, so it suffers from old skills which I've since improved. I have been adding more medals in my more recent games. I'll keep the flashy effects in mind though.

Fun game

So this was a fun game here, I like the "DARK-ELEMENT" about it all the "VOICES" and the music was very good stuff, only issue here for me was that there was not enough medals to keep an excitment level so adding medals is for sure something to make it better, you have a nice game though.

ad more medals.


Really fun game here

So this was a fun game you have here I really like the "SPRITE" details in this, the weapons were pretty good and it was not too long before you reach the boss, I think the onlything I would change here would make the screen larger but other then that this was a fun game here.

Make the view screen larger.


Decent game

So this was a decent little game you have here, I like the "PIXEL" like graphics you have here on this one, the different levels are really nice and visualy very apealing the levels are notbad the medals are a nice touch and keep it exciting, so for me no major changes are needed I found this game to be a delight.

no major changes are needed I found this game to be a delightful game


Great game

Alright so this was a great game, the graphics and "SOUNDS" make it even better then expected has a really nice dark element about it kind of reminds of "RESIDENT-EVIL" type of game you have done pretty good here so nice job there, I like the style here and the medals were a nice touch so nice game indeed on this one.

Really no changes on this one as it was a nice game here.


Fun game

Kind of reminds me of the old games I use to play on the "NINTENDO" system you really packed it in with lots to see and do it was a fun game overall, some nice graphics and some fun gameplay the "MEDALS" are pretty good and a nice addition for this game, you have a nice style here, hope to see more from you soon.

Some added nifty effects on impact moments.


Great game

Great game you have here I think I have reviewed some of these zombie games in the past it was really good the zombie graphics are very nice some really nice work here love the visual detail on the zombies and the game itself was a bit hard but still was pretty fun

I think adding some flashy effects on the more impact moments sparkles shines just little stuff like that


Muja responds:

Thank you a lot for your kind review, I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

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