
11,872 Game Reviews

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So this was an interesting game here I love the story element most of all and you really make for some nice fun mechanics too and those purples are so nice for this game anyways I had some fun with this


Nice basics

So the game itself has some nice basics about it and thats the idea The visual of the front end is nice but could see it having more depth there, but for the mostpart this was a good and decent tutorial type and while it could use more it was still pretty good stuff here


Good tutorial

This was a good idea for a tutorial, "DBZ" and how to draw them im sure many fans of the topic matter will love this and probably learn from it, notbad at all, hope to see more work from you soon make More tuts such as this overall A unique tutorial on DBZ drawing


Cool game

So it being a madness themed game makes it fun the mechanics with the pulling or movments was interesting and takes time to get it going This was notbad at all decent game here I really liked this and kind of grew on me a tad bit I liked this game overall this was actually a pretty good game, Some nice graphics good game fun and some nice medals But anyways decent game I really enjoyed this game submission and all that you have presented here, Some nice madness here


A decent Tutorial

I like the game tutorial even if it is portuguese but maybe some added languages So this tutorial was notbad I found it to be pretty decent with all the content and how you teach a learning skill here and thats always a plus for game types like this


Nice one

The racing game here with the horces is actually really fun its hard to win a race you really have to mash the keyboard haha, but it was actaully a cute lil game funny characters and horses



Its a decent tutorial but does need more to keep the interest you bring on some nice ideas and a good concept of tools and some nice learning elements and thats what I take away from this tutorial here and really hope one day we can see more tutorials like this



Wow, nice tutorial you have here, i like the way you have set this up, and the organization in this is really cool. The animations are good, and i like the way you use them as examples to make things more clear. The interactivity was good, but the text was a bit too bright to read, maybe next time you could make the text more clear, but it is a nice tutorial


Strange one

That was a really werid, and interesting animation, i like the art in this, and how you have made it look like a comic was good. The interactivity was nice, and i liked the way you could pick things to have different endings. The music was good, and so were the sounds. The story was interesting, and it was a nice



Awesome sounboard, i love the simpsons, and these are some good Homer sounds. The way you set this all up, and how organized it was. The animations in the intro are nice, and the interactivity in this is cool, i like all the choices you have, and how well they all sound, good job


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