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Kind of silly

So this was kind of a silly game but I had some "FUN" with this one, I think you could ad much more interactivity to the game more options more stuff for the player, but besides all that this classic of a game is pretty good if you ask me and I enjoyed the game so nice job.

I think you could ad much more interactivity to the game more options more stuff for the player


A fun game

So this was a fun game I do think it needs a few things like a points meter and a kill meter and you could also make it so you can control where you go left or right and such, but overall this was a pretty decent game you have here, so nice game indeed, make more soon.

I do think it needs a few things like a points meter and a kill meter and you could also make it so you can control where you go left or right and such


Well this was a nice idea I thaught

A nice idea as mentioned in my title but I feel like you could have done more with the character itself like more shading in the character itself mainly the head, the animation for it was notbad either, the interface here was good but could also use some depth about it, anyways decent game or intro.

I feel like you could have done more with the character itself like more shading in the character itself mainly the head, the animation for it was notbad either, the interface here was good but could also use some depth about it



Hmmm Well not sure about this one at first I didnt know what to do because it just threw me into the game with no instraction what so ever, so adding some instructions or a instructions screen would be a good idea for this game, the graphics and art and even music was pretty good though.

I didnt know what to do because it just threw me into the game with no instraction what so ever, so adding some instructions or a instructions screen would be a good idea


A simple game here

So the character was kind of funny it was cute and adorble But I did find that the game was lacking like when there was blood you added just a dot or two you should really ad more dripping blood and such, and make much more killing options, besides that this was notbad of a game.

when there was blood you added just a dot or two you should really ad more dripping blood and such, and make much more killing options


lol cute

So that was a cute little game you have here, the characters were pretty cute and adorble I like the voices too and made it even more cute then ever, the really fun and cute game you have created here it was simple though and could use more to it to keep it exciting but anyways fun game.

it was simple though and could use more to it to keep it exciting



Well that was kind of fun I do like the color and simplistic element about this silly little game here, some nice shades and details in the art, and as for the gameplay it was actually pretty fun not too hard at all seems like a game you could ad a medal option on, anyways fun game.

seems like a game you could ad a medal option on


Haha nice

So this was a nice game it doesnt give you much channces but I found the sound /fx to be pretty cute, the game play was fun and you have to be quick on your hands it was a fun game regardless, I wouldnt mind some added graphical effects to improve on the visual of the interface, anyways fun game.

I wouldnt mind some added graphical effects to improve on the visual of the interface


Tricky game

So this one here was somewhat fun and tricky too the music was just an adorble choice the mechanics of this game were kind of tricky and confusing but after a bit I got the hang of it, you also have some nice interface and graphics here on this unique and different game.

I dont see any need for changes but maybe some smoother controls understanding


Fun and simple

so this one here was a fun and simple game Well notbad, simple yet kinda fun, good smooth animating, and addictive, fun and entertaining, even the sound / fx was decent the art and graphics was pretty cool too, so with this one I see no need for any changes it was some solid work here and a fun game

As mentioned no changes needed here


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