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A unique Tutorial

I like this flash tutorial you have here it is pretty nifty and can still be pretty helpful, I would suggest making the screen size larger and even adding some color into it, These tutorials are pretty nifty and bring a sense of teaching wihch is pretty good I have learned off of these myself back in the day, but regardless they do "BRING-SOME-TEACHING" old or new they are nice to check out now and then, and I was "PLEASED" with the outcome here.

I would suggest making the screen size larger and even adding some color into it


Classic game

Well I do have to say the interface board is nice mechanics are good but you could improve on this with some sounds and or music, The whole idea of pac-man is nifty and seems to work well on this submission, seems like there could be even more added, the style was fun and you cant go wrong with a "PAC-MAN-STYLE" game, I had fun with this one and theres "SOME-GOOD-VIBE" on this game here so nice effort.

you could improve on this with some sounds and or music


This was a Cool board

Ok so I can see theres lots of sounds with this one but the thing is the buttons are so small iots even hard to read you could make the buttons with a graphics and larger then have different pages for extra sounds, The sound quality is not always the best but you bring a unique theme to the board, and its the little things such as the idea and theme of it that I enjoy and alot of times the "SOUND" is pretty decent, but besides that you have "CREATED" a nice sound board here.

I can see theres lots of sounds with this one but the thing is the buttons are so small iots even hard to read you could make the buttons with a graphics and larger then have different pages for extra sounds


A great board

An angry african soundboard haha I guess theres a soundboard for all sorts of ideas and topics the text only buttons could be improved and the white backround could be filled with some images and graphics to improve on the look of it all, The sound is notbad it could be polished on some parts but overall this is a great sound board, I like the quality of it and the interface of it is also not too "SHABBY" so props to you on such a "NICE-BOARD-HERE" with a few fix ups it can be even more better but thats for another time.

the text only buttons could be improved and the white backround could be filled with some images and graphics to improve on the look of it all


Nifty Tut

A turret and bullet tutorial, the bright colors didnt seem to fit well maybe more smoother interface and more detailed instrucions aswell, Props to you on such a helpful tutorial and would be nice to see more tuts like this one, This was a nifty one and you can see the effort put into this one you have some nice ideas in this one so it all came out very well and I was "PRETTY-IMPRESSED" with this one here.

maybe more smoother interface and more detailed instrucions aswell


Another cool Tut

This one being related to newgrounds is nice and the old ng loop is cool, really nice, I think some color could beadded into the interface more then just blue, They have braught a lot of "KNOWLEDGE" in the content not sure if they help as much today but they are a pretty good source, just like this one you have presented some nice source info and it was "A-NIFTY-LOOK" you had going I could see some small improvments but its a good tutorial regardless.

some color could beadded into the interface more then just blue


Nice Twist

This one was pretty decent it was a fun pac man clone like game and the sounds on this were really funny music was a nice touch, Always fun seeing these old pack man clones and even turned into something else but you did well here, so you have added a new twist on an "OLD-CLONE-TYPE" of element, and you made it look good so nice job on this one and I was "PRETTY-PLEASED" with this one.

No major changes with this game


A fun PacMan

Well it does need some work some better graphics and details and some improved ai and mechanics of it all the msuic was nice though, lots of clones out there but still the basics of pac-man are fun, you made it fun even if it is "AN-OLD-CLASSIC" of pac-man, but I have enjoyed this piece very much so "NICE-WORK-HERE", and I do hope to see many more games from you, this was a pleasure to review.

does need some work some better graphics and details and some improved ai and mechanics of it all


Cool board

The straight talk guy lol, nice idea the sounds were decent the backround could use some graphics and interface, So here we are with another cool board on the portal these kinds of games are as always something nifty and something entertaining, the "SOUND-QUALITY" is not always the best but you bring a "UNIQUE-THEME" to the board and thats what I like about these so nice job.

the backround could use some graphics and interface


Unique Sound Board

A nice idea of the board but it was too bland some larger buttons and more backround graphics, It is nice to find one of these boards "AMONG-THE-PORTAL" because they dont seem to be made all that much anymore, but when I do find one such as "THIS-ONE-YOU-HAVE-CREATED" its always nice and speaking of your game it was decent some interesting sound work here a nice design overall.

A nice idea of the board but it was too bland some larger buttons and more backround graphics


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