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This Tutorial was nice

This was notbad of a tutorial here, its simple but seems to get the point across I would suggest some detailed color though and more improved interface of it all, You have some nice game type here, I do wish there was more of these these days as these were "A-NIFTY-BUNCH" of specific game type, Tutorials were a great source of helping in other elements and topics, so "REALLY-NICE-WORK" on this tutorial here hope you make more someday.

I would suggest some detailed color though and more improved interface of it all


Now these I enjoy

This was not a bad tutorial I have a small suggestion though maybe as for a button have a graphics as a button not just a text button, also I would suggest more visuals on the creation of the hand to show more examples, These tutorials always come in handy when trying to learn some new script or code but thats what these tuts really did help with, and I had used a "HANDFULL" back in the day, but have to say this "PARTICULAR-ONE" is pretty nifty and theres a nice visual point about it.

I have a small suggestion though maybe as for a button have a graphics as a button not just a text button, also I would suggest more visuals on the creation of the hand to show more examples


well that was tricky

so this was actually a pretty fun game here and kind of tricky would have loved more medal options maybe some upgrades to survive a little longer even a larger view screen, but overall this was a fun game, I cant help but wonder what else you have in store for us, You bring alot of quality to these kinds of games, so cant wait to see what else you have in store for us. This was not lacking in much but i will touch on that abit more later, But there are ways you can Rejuvinate things in here better, and again ill get to that soon enough.

would have loved more medal options maybe some upgrades to survive a little longer even a larger view screen, but overall this was a fun game


TristanMX responds:

Hey man! I really appreciate your comments. I actually make the game only to celebrate christmas. I do have some more mini-games here at NG, you can check my profile. Some of them had been really well received and I'm working on actual an full game for one of my prototypes here (blueHelios), the other game I'm about to release during march is Arcade Defender. The Demo lives here at NG and the actual game have lots of more stuff to play with, and with a focus on mobile platforms (Android for now).

Thanks again and check out my stuff: Evil God, Blue Helios, Arcade Defender, and just in case I haven't overwhelmed you with promo (lol, sorry but I'm hungry), here's my twitter:


Wow nice

Wow I have to say this was a pretty fun game here and the music of it all is really intense and so smooth and so fitting for the game itself, you have some nice graphics in this one very good and fun game indeed, OK so that this review can come to a closure. I will end it shortly, but before I do go, I will say that im impressed and have enjoyed your game, and I hope you keep making stuff like this because, its entertaining and pretty fun aswell, so keep it up. you have Accuratley made a good game with some nice efforts and some good effects all around.

Well dont think you need to improve on anything you made a fun game here and updated even so keep up the fantastic work.



wow, thanks
You liked my game and you gave the most positive review
thanks man


so that was a fun little game you have here, the idea of it is simple and the graphics are notbad at all, you have a nice fun game here, the ball bounces pretty good you made a fun and entertaining game here and this was one game that could go with some medals very well anyways nice game.

Some medals would be a plus


Another Nice Tutorial

A nice star motion creation of stars tutorials some nice idea here and the music on this was cool, no major changes on this other then making the view screen could be larger, A decent tutorial not that much use flash they are still usefull for people who still run the old flash programs, but I have to say you have some nice tips and little "TRICKS" of the trade, But these are still nifty I remember using some of these tuts back in the day.

no major changes on this other then making the view screen could be larger


A fun old game

A new board for the classic pacman game, some nice sounds and a fun experience with this, some added flashy effects on the impact moments, So this one here was a nice and fun game you have here with a bit of a twist added to it you have a nice idea when it comes to a classic pac-man game here and you made it somewhat exciting and I had fun with it so really nice game you have created here today.

some added flashy effects on the impact moments


A nifty sound board here

Well notbad So this was notbad but could be better like adding much more sounds and when you hover over the buttons it doesnt always hit its target thats something to look into, also more graphics in the backround would be a plus, A nifty soundboard you have here I have reviewed a good bit of these kinds of games and have to say this one was pretty nifty and a nice style of game some decent sounds here with some even more unique ones to follow so this was a decent sound board that you have created.

could be better like adding much more sounds and when you hover over the buttons it doesnt always hit its target thats something to look into, also more graphics in the backround would be a plus


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