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A cool scene creator

This was a nice scene creator doesnt give you a lot of room but still has some nice art here and the music was a nice touch, So this is A cool scene creator here you dont see too much of these they are somewhat like a dress-up but not exactly you bring some nice backround effects here and all the parts and pieces bring it all alive so this was kins of cool designing all the elements.

nice scene creator doesnt give you a lot of room but still has some nice art


A fun point and click

not a bad drawing of pico's hehe anyways, did think that there arms moving like they did where kinda freaky, but anyways it was funny the artwork could be smoother and the controls could also be smoother, This is a fun point and click game here I have made one of these before and they are kind of fun, your game here has some nice elements and its a great adventure and really makes you think on things to really search and find items and such a fun game.

the artwork could be smoother and the controls could also be smoother,


This was an interesting game here

You have an interesting game here kind of fun with all the clicking around the art style was nice the interactivness of the game itself was pretty nice too you have some good ideas here with this game, I would advance on the idea here and make it even bigger more actions more search and find points etc, anyways nice game.

I would advance on the idea here and make it even bigger more actions more search and find points etc


This is notbad

So this was notbad but does seem to lack some upgrades along the way to better build onto the end game the graphics are nice and the game mechanics itself are pretty good, but other then that this game was pretty fun and entertaining at that I had fun with it.

does seem to lack some upgrades along the way to better build onto the end game


Nice game

So this was a nice game you have here the graphics were intense the effects are even better, I love the 3-d layout here it really plays out well and some really impressive style here this is one game you could ad some medals here but anyways keep up the great work.

some really impressive style here this is one game you could ad some medals here



This was a nice gadget you have created here some nice style here a fun element and the visual effects is nice the sound quality could be better when changing up things but overall still a fun game, also I would ad some detail to the bland backround, anyways fun game type here

the sound quality could be better when changing up things but overall still a fun game


Cool Tut

This was something different But I guess if it does its purpose, anyways no changes here, So this was a decent tutorial and it does seem to teach a few things here wich is a plus and thats what I liked about this one, Some nifty ideas here and while its a teaching method it teaches the future in these types of tutorial types of games, very nice indeed here.

something different But I guess if it does its purpose, anyways no changes here



so this was a decent little game here even though it was just a demo it was some nice art and even characters it could be more smoother with controls and mechanics but was still pretty decent of a game that you have created here so nice work indeed.

it could be more smoother with controls and mechanics but was still pretty decent of a game


An exciting tutorial

This was actually a really good motion and shape tween tutorial these have always been useful, I love the music that you added with this I might suggest some borders added into this, So while tutorials are more for learning I still found this particular game type to be exciting but most of all you get to learn some nice things here so this was nice, and it was actually pretty informitive some design issues could be better but overall this was a nice tutorial.

I might suggest some borders added into this


Haha nice

So this was a nice game here I like the two different board here, you also have some nice effects on this I wouldnt mind even more sound/FX and added effects along with this but other then that this was a fun little game here so nice work indeed hope you make more sometime.

I wouldnt mind even more sound/FX and added effects along with this


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