
11,872 Game Reviews

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Love some tetris

Very fast one here I think you could make the menu buttons bigger Gotta love some tetris as you have gone all out on this game of tetris or simular likeness of tetris but its pretty spot on and some good game mechanics too, so all in all a fun and decent tetris style of a game here and had some fun with it so keep it up.

I think you could make the menu buttons bigger


A cool game

Well this brawler type was actually fun and you bring on some nice style of action and all the medals was good, The control system could be smoother You have Engineered something very Professional here something delightful, and something of good interest here, I was glad to have found this, And I didnt find anything that was lacking or anything like that, So Eliminating anything to take away from this would be out of the question, you do have a good entry here and I look forward to seeing more of this and your work.

The control system could be smoother


Narunima responds:

Thanks for the kind comment and useful feedback!

A magnificent game

These skill collect types are always fun, all the mix of medals was a plus for this game too, The last medal was a bit hard though, I found this fun little game to be a magnificent one with some nice visual points and a decent layout of it all, really fun and entertaining, the strategy and puzzle like element is what I have come to enjoy here so please do make more sometime.




The game itself can get pretty hard I do think if you added more elements and make it easier in some points and even ad on some bonus elements it would be a plus, but anyways this was actually a pretty good game.



A cool game

The game is challenging and can be hard but good time in the game can get the medals, You have a nifty platformer style of game here with some really dazzling elements and effects it makes it really come alive the platformer style has always been a fave theme of mine you have gone far and beyond on this game so nice game here.

None that is really needed


EggysGames responds:

Thanks for the review! Check out my page and post for my new games in Unity you can play for free!

This is interesting

Well i did think it was a fun type of game some added effects could go a long way but was actually a decent game and you seem to know what your doing but regardless i had fun with this game so nice job



Well this was a cool and simple game could use some improved graphics and maybe some added bonus elements overall it was a fun little game


Very nice game

So with all the medals it was pretty fun, and congrats on the front paged well deserved in my opinion, Now as I get into this game entry and review alot of things come to mind, some ill suggest some thoughts and ideas later in the review, but I must say that I was pretty impressed with what you did have and some effort does show in this and its the effort you put into it inwich I liked, So it does have potential to be even better in the future with updates and such, Its games like this that really keep one interested especially with all the medals kind of hard to find everything but still fun.

None needed


I like it

So the game itself is fun as a skill and collect kind of game its fun and builds up, also the medals are nice but think adding in even more would be one way, nice visuals and overall this was a fun game so nice job all across the board here make more.

Some added medals would be cool.


Nice game

So the game itself has some good progression seems to get harder as you play through and thats a good way of it, I think adding in some bonus stuff would be a plus some added medals too, but anyways nice game you have created here I like it for sure.

Some adding in some stuff as suggested


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