
11,872 Game Reviews

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A classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe

I like the almost 3/D element on this one you really have some nice ideas here with this one and made it fun even a small twist of changes on there somewhat, A classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe anyways nice job here on this game and I will say before I go make more fun classic games like this they are fun.


Decent game

Its a decent board of a good topic aswell, to improve i would have more audio like lots more, i did thing the characters floating around in the backround was kinda neat, but maybe add more stuff that really reflects from the show, and maybs abit smaller text it just is so large, anyways you have a decent board keep it up


Awsome game

I can see the Focus you put into this one, This has been taped down and everything has been checked very well Wow that was awsome, very fast them worms are, and grapgicly well made, a good clean game which i had fun with it was very entertaining, so nice work, keep up the game making.


Looks good

Hey that looks good, it has good characters good wepon with decent responce, decent after effect, so yeah i would say it could work, just add lots of levels, alsoo make it so you can pick up new weapons and make some nice and detailed backrounds



All the work here has come together in one big bang, And also shows that passion can still drive every step across the board Ha cool game again, thease levels have so much to offer like warps and other little things here and there, it really makes it more fun on the interactive part, a really fun game, nice job.



Hey this was fun, i ran into a few engines hehe, good fun game, i had fun with it, nice scrolling effect, and great music, what was that song anyways, keep it up your game does prove to be fun, and full of enjoyment all around. I found this worthwhile and you have a good Concept here.



Heh i had to log on for this one heehhe, nice game you really need to show me how to make somthing like that heh, anyways great game, i really like the colors used it brings things aout alot more, and it has good game play, i could prob play it all day hehe, anyways great work keep pumping them out.



Heh i seen this one before, its a cool little game, and i wish i new how to do walls cause i would be making thease heh, anyways its a simple version of another one i saw with fire in the backround, heh anyways i had fun with it


Cant go wrong here

Impossible just maybe just maybe lol nice job overall a very fun game indeed make more somewhere down the road you cant go wrong with an old classic here its a game that has tested time and its still going good and fun just like you have presented here in this particular version of the game.


A classic fun one

Nice elements and effects some fun stuff seems like you can do so much with these now a days, This was a classic game but still pretty fun and entertaining you have some good ideas and you bring fourth some nice memmories back to this old dog, anyways great submission.


Satyre responds:

Thanks for your feedback. I like to draw inspiration from classic games a lot, they are the source of all the creative ideas of modern approaches :D

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