
11,872 Game Reviews

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A good snake

Battle snake is for sure different then normal snake and there could be some added features and it is solid Now this was a game I have not seen in a bit but its a fun classic snake game and you really cant go wrong with a snake classic game like the one you have presented here, I think adding in some bonus elements would be a nice add on, anyways good classic



This game really is kind of mystic in its own way you have some very fun features it seems to have been raining swords and that was interesting, but the game can be addictive and was pretty fun as it is, I had a blast with this game here


Nice game

The time thing on this makes it compettitive Fun and entertaining snake game here, some parts could be polished up a tad just a bit anyways, But besides all that you bring a nice snake game and make it work well, its fun I think even adding on some added new elements to make it different from the classic would be nice


Unique snake game

The graphics are pretty good on this snake version Alright so this was a snake game that has a unique element now of course its a classic snake or worm game as some may call it but it was pretty nice, some parts could be polished up a tad but still found some entertainment in this snake like game here


Fun game

This was a fun game abit simple but is fun, also had some nice and smooth graphics, as for the controls it was smooth and reacted just fine, you seem to have went out of your way and beyond for a nice game it was a pleasure to review too as i found it just fine Fun game smooth animation



I like these rock out entries this one was nice and even liked the game having a shooter element the graphics was pretty good but love that you added a twist in these kinds of games so besides that I had some fun on this game you did good here on this one


Very nice

Now this was very nice I love the fact that there are multiple tutorials on this one I like the concept and the tutorials have some decent visuals and are pretty straight forward so this was all a plus a good game here nice learning tutorials too



That was interesting, takes forever to kill the guy, not sure if i even did that, but i had fun messing with it nice little time waster though as it was sorta fun Make more enemies and make some special attacksi Fun silly game if your bored


Cool game

This game was very fast didnt know what to do at first, but was also very fast finaly got the hang of it it was fun and had a nice look to it so nice job there, anyways decent game Slow it down just abit on the speed Fun game, very fast paced but still found it to be some fun


Entertaining game

This was silly but had some entertainment value to it, i noticed they were all bad though well maybe besides one heh i think, it was a fun and simple game though Make lots more question whistle options, and of all kinda aswell Entertaining and fun whistle game


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