
11,872 Game Reviews

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Ok that was funny, i liked it, maybe have some more killing options though, and i always thaught joe was afunny guy though, hehe ohwell these types of games are always funny and amusing and they make for some fun games so nice job on this one



Well id have to say when i look into his eyes it really scares me, hehe nice trick though you should make more like this they are pretty interesting A fun and entertaining game and while you have kept it real this was a very nice these were the fun ones back in the day



Nice mix of ideas with this version of the classic What an awesome find especially it being a snake game you seem to have done a little more with this particular snake version added in a few extras and that's what I love to see I did find this one to be interesting and you even added your own twist of things but that's what makes it an even better snake version and even better then the original so with that all said it was a fun experience in the snake world of games


Fun and silly

Some nice graphics and very smooth Cool snake version you have made here I like the version you have created here it's still snake but you mixed it up a tad and that's good stuff a classic snake style game you have graced us with seem to have come a live with some added extras and nice visuals but overall some nice gameplay and a good style and driven with the fun entertainment of a nice snake game so for me it was a pleasure to review


Decent game here

OK not bad i liked it, atfirst it was abit choppy, and tricky, but not bad I found this particular game pretty fun gameplay wise was pretty decent, some art additions would be a plus for this game, but overall was pretty fun so nice efforts here.


Decent game

OK well it has been done to death, enjoyed this game for what it is so nice entry your game was very creative but my improvment advice would be, make a preloader, put some sounds, and then maybe some detail, not bad though, could use some extras too



Well not bad i say, it was simple yet so fun, great gameplay action also simple, not bad, it was fun you made it so people can enjoy it and that's a positive and also props to you for a fun creative game, I would say you could add onto this but it is a tad dated.



Yeah id say its just like aieln home you know, what game im talking about, anyways not bad, the art was neat, and the song was cool, abit choppy though, great job I do feel like it could use some added options


Needs work

Heheh well dont really know what to say, but thease have been done way tomany times, kinda pointless, maybe make a story with it but just windows i dont know, just seen it about a million times, ohwell maybe next time


I love it

Its fun and very entertaining, love the design, somthing great and new from newgrounds, great job. and congrats on the award the nes element of this game is pretty fun and can be addicting so nice job


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