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Somewhat confusing at first matching or not lol I was pretty impressed with what you did have and some effort does show in this and its the effort you put into it So it does have potential to be even better in the future with updates and such You have made an impression with me.


Fun one

Love the idea at this and the upgrades are notbad This was a professional method and this can really thrive from your ideas Now ofcourse theres room to make things better and some added extras like some even more upgrades and adding in more splashy effects would also be nice



So this was an interesting windows type game here, ou have some good ideas here and I like the concept of this whole thing There was no real lackluster points or anything really lacking, while i do say that there could be some added extras anyways nice game here



i may have to go to the docter cause my head is spinning from all the flashing, anyways it just reminded me of the 80's too much. but in all reality it was notbad it does have an 80s theme about it and I like the ideas of it


Dr. Mario

So like dr mario I like the idea and concept but also feel like there could be some added extras more added effects too I really like these types of games as they tend to take some time I thought you showed some good effort and the outcome seems to show off that time and energy put in so props to you there, nice job indeed There are some areas of improvment and it would really make this an all around game entry, feel like there could be some added extras more added effects


Very nice

This was actually a really good dressup with lots and multple builds so very impressed with all the items on this Well well here was something good from the portal it was a pretty good start to a game entry so I do look forward to what else you can do with this, but lets move along to this interesting game works you do have here You have established a good game entry here it was nifty it had a few suprises and was overall a fun and entertaining element of game work, very impressed with all the items on this



ok well it was kinda funny, but also strange at the same time, gave me a good laugh, you did have and some effort does show in this and its the effort you put into it inwich I liked, So it does have potential to be even better heheh good one here


not bad for your first

but still ping pong has been so done, and so much, this one was ok but was atad slow, could be improved maybe better backrounds but still found this game fun


Very fun

The art and graphics are intense the gameplay is even better and even some nice effects I didnt find anything that was lacking or anything like that So eliminating anything to take away from this would be out of the question I thought you showed some good effort and the outcome seems to show off that time and energy



hmmm this was like the worm games, but this was way too fast, but guess thats like a hard version, but still more fun the the worm ones, its a basic version but could see you improving on this one so once again nice game and keep up the good work


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