
11,872 Game Reviews

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Awesome art detail Wow this was really fun, but i think i liked it more for the really awesome graphics and intense detail, and the gameplay was very smooth not laggy at all, and while it was fun it could use some more faster paced action, anyways nice job Needs faster paced action Fun game, great graphics


Fun game It was a fun game, but seems like the pumpkins come to fast while the main smasher guy doesnt smash pumpkins fast enough, anyways it was fun the color tone was neat as well, anyways nice game More options for the game it has other interests Fun game a bit slow at times


This was fun This was fun, gets a bit hard at times but for the most part it was fun and very entertaining, i like the effort and detail you out into it, so very nice game, keep it up More stuff and challenging harder points in the game Fun game gets better as you go along


Fun game here and interesting First off I did think much more medals and achievments could be added with some added diffaculty to them, These games are no joke I also love the added detail creating some nice style about it this was a plus all around the table, so nice work on this game it was a fun and nice concept


A nice strategy based game with some interesting gameplay, The AI in this game seemed underwelming at times and didn't find getting the medals difficult but that was ok too, So overall its a fun game you have created here and hope you make even more ones like this


An interesting puzzle system game with some added twisted platformer style here, simple and fun but progresses to something beyond that, And that last level was pretty intense so that right there made it even more fun, Started simple but really advances to some harder levels I like it though


For sure something different type of game here and games like this are still fun and you made this one very fun and that's all people really need, I like how this progressed with your concept and is fun but not exactly easy but again it was fun


Another fun puzzle game here and this one was pretty good the gameplay is fun and you can't go wrong with some nice and unique element, Some of the items are a bit hard to see at times, Overall its a fun game and it was a fun experience on this one


Good one

Wow this was impressive, it was abit different from what i normaly see, but still had a nice artistic feel and neat design to it love the art style very impressive, try and cut the filesize down though Some comression would be great A great art style flash, very nice work indeed


Fun game

Very fun game, i like the realistic look of the waterfall and backrounds, and it was actually a fun game that doesnt get boring, but really has good replay value so notbad at all, you should make more sometime Its perfect as is Fun fish and paddle themed game, very addictive and fun


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