
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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I really like your games and love the different mechanics you use also the dark elements of backrounds is also a nice concept, you have some cool progressive style of this game I have reviewed somany of these kinds of games from the worst to some average ones to the best ones out there And this entry would be right up there, its not perfect but its notbad either its pretty fun aswell as some good fun comes with this one keep up the good work, good fighting with the character in an almost final fantasy type of style


Nice shooter

So this was like a first person shooter with faces lol Well what you see is what you get just a nice piece of game designed with some good effort to bring out some quality and you have done just that, I think it gets tough about 40 kills 50 seems a little hard You have already impressed me with this one and hope it continues your success here on newgrounds This was Loaded with lots of goodies and whatnot, not sure what I would add on this, maybe some random medals


nukinukinukiki responds:


Decent windows sim

Notbad on this classic style I found this to be a decent windows game here this was actually a fun game submission I had some fun here but do like all the different options on these types of games the old classic of the windows sim type this was a nifty game, I like some of the features on this game Seems like these dont come around very much but this one that you presented was actually fun, So nice work on this game


Nifty one

This one was pretty funny actually the whole blam idea was nice and you made it funny the voice on this game was great some nice animations and gadgets in the game too made for a fun little game here, Its fun games like this that remind me of the old classic grounds



Another fun and entertaining game you have some nice games and this one was more of the silly side but thats what made it fun and was just a fun game you really made it nifty just wish there was more content to surround this game the music was pretty solid too


Fun windows sim

Haha this one was pretty good You have a fun windows game here I actually wish more people would make these types the windows sim type are always fun and your version did come out ok I like the energy that this game gave off too, And you cant go wrong with an old classic of windows sim game here a nice windows sim here these are those classic games that people made for fun and seems like you really made it evolve, so nice game indeed



This falling mechanics style was nice the background element really made it fun and the whole mechanics of the game was pretty solid with a style all on its own the game can be addictive too but overall a fun game here anyways nice job


Nice one

This was a cool I really like the shooting mechanic on this game has some nice results and overall the gameplay was pretty fun on this game it was pretty solid of a game some added effects would be nice though



Well this was an interesting one to get all the swag in it but it's worth trying the game is fun and has a nice style about it I like the concept and idea here it's pretty fun and a nifty way of getting it all to work well anyways nice job



This was more like a memory type of game something fun but still a memory game I like it and have to really focus but overall it's pretty fun some added effects and more features would be a plus but anyways good game


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