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This was a tricky one the circular version is hard and not easy on the eyes Well it's snake and you really can't go wrong with a snake game this particular version of snake has gave us some entertaining fun a nice style some small detail but for the most part I found it to be pretty fun even as the classic snake that it is I like it


Great graphics

Can really be fun and worth it So keep doing what you do best There are even things that could make this even more productive but its some solid work inded Awsome game, but make the cursor into a gun or somthing, blood and gory, i also didnt know ghosts bleed ha, anyways good game it was fun


Haha nice

Well once again another fun and nifty game you really know how to make some fun games and even some comical ones, they tend to be entertaining The way that you've captured the elements and pushed even more ideas and such So for me you have impressed me greatly, very fun experience


Some snake fun

Haha this was like some retro snake lol I like it love the phone element here A fun snake game here even though these are fun I found this one to bring back some nice elements of the old classic snake game and that's what I enjoyed about it most of all so nice snake game once again and hope you make even more fun games anyways nice snake game created



Well this was a different type of game here you did make it somewhat interesting but feel it could have more other elements but it is based off the math element and that alone takes time but still enjoyed your little concept here


Pretty intense

Well this game here was pretty intense and you fill it with some rich detail on the story element of it all and it really brings on some nice depth to the game itself some nifty art style too giving it that rich depth to the game so nice job here



Well this was notbad I like the concept here and there was some fun elements on this game the music was really nice I think after a bit it needs something to keep the interest maybe a specific level of bonus maybe but regardless a fun puzzle style game


Wow nice

This one here has a very nice depth of the game some intense elements and some good deep features for an older game this still produces some good playthrough so for me anyways this was a nice game indeed keep it up



Well seems like your games do get better with time and this particular game had some nice ideas about it and was another scary type of game because of the days of death lol, no but really a nice little game here and seems like you have lots of games in your time here lol



So with this one you made a scary one and thats ok kind of a decent game here just wish there was much more content and keep it going but you did starte me with this one, now dont get me wrong I actually enjoyed this lil scary game here it was fun


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