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This looks to be a nice game the shooting is nice I think when shooting you could have some upgrades to really make it an even more fun experience of the game I think this was one of the more random and fun game Works find in the portal in a good long while so I was glad to have found it today there is no real lackluster areas, but anyways hope to see sometime soon


Simple and fun

Love the little car and having to dodge stuff makes for a fun little game here from a starting point this was actually notbad of a start on this submission I thought it was weird But I also found myself enjoying this entry as much as the next guy fun game nice music colorful



A cute and entertaining game As I get started on this game entry I have found it to be entertaining there was some very interesting happenings going on lots of fun there was good points on this one, I love the fresh colors and the shooter style is good upgrades are nice too


Game of snake

Here was a game of snake with some nice energy about it twists and turns us what the game of snake really it but you gave it something extra and something to bring the snake game back to life I had some fun with this particular game if snake here



Lol ok well it was cool, kinda not much more the the astroids theme, still cool, but very laggy, and the gun sound/fk was cool, overall it was fun to play An interesting game here some nice style you have a good intense visual and it really pops off well so besides all that you make it look easy i love the style here anyways keep making more games like this


Nice set up

Great set-up, it looked very sharp, and everything worked good, and i had fun playing it, very entertaining, and cool backs of the board, aswell as the puzzle parts, cool game This was something cool a fun game indeed it came out well so nice work with this unique game anyways untill next time keep up the fun and amazing game works but for now its a fun game


Very good

So this one here was a very good platformer game the graphics alone are very good also love the backround detail Well I always like to see interesting work and this one was no disappointment You've presented a lovely game with well designed ideas and a good concept, The collecting coins was a plus and love all the added sound/FX and even music So you know what you are doing and you know how to add the fun in all that you do so that was good enough for me, but anyway a great and wellmade platformer game


poolfish responds:

Your review made my day. Thank you!

Wake the Snake

Well the 3/D snake style was different but really like the effort of it Well here was once again a nifty and unique game of snake you can really bring on some nice energy of snake here the visuals are notbad all though would love some extra content for this one but honestly overall this was a fun and entertaining snake game



Another fun one now I will admit the music is nice on this one maybe some mix up with the music though a toggle button of sorts, the game was fun, So you know what you are doing and you know how to add the fun in all that you do so that was good enough for me, anyways once again fun lil game here



I seem to be enjoying your games even if they are not fully complete or just so-so you bring on some entertaining games here, You have already impressed me with this one and hope it continues your success here on newgrounds This was Loaded with lots of entertainment elements and whatnot, so keep up the fun games


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