
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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I like it

So this here was a fun little game here I like the passion and energy you put into this it for sure is a strategy style and it keeps you on your toes with some fun entertainment so some good gameplay here some good controls and just fun you are pretty talented on this game and I personally have enjoyed your game work here on this one today so awsome job indeed keep making more



So here was a rather simple one but the concept is really nice and I like the idea of this graphics could be improved on maybe even some added eeffects and whatnot, the simple gameplay is nice its fun and seems to have room for even more improvments and effects but overall this was a solid game here but anyways keep making fun games like thhis it was very impressive



So here was a fun and entertaining game so nice job the art style is different and is nice to see on a game like this you have some good skills and create a nice idea for a game with some fun gameplay too and I was pretty impressed with this particular game but anyways untill your next amazing game of works keep it real and fun but thats my take away from this game


Great mechanics

Well this game has some good mechanics and you really made it fun especially with that music keeps one interested You have engineered a good game here it has lots to see and do allthough But as I start off this submission I like what you have presented here and there are some fun and entertaining stuff as this gets started, I also love the black and white and its like a mini platformer but does need more medals atleast a few more So with this one I cant say that it was lacking much but for now I just want to say you did a pretty good job here, does need more medals atleast a few more


Nifty game

This was nice the B/W part of this was also different A nifty game of snake here a nice style some small detail but for the most part I found it to be pretty fun nice elements of the old classic snake game and that's what I enjoyed about it, I like this style of snake game you gave it some nifty style too



Another fun RPG style game and some good depth in this game Alright you have some good ideas here and I like the concept of this whole thing There was no real lackluster points or anything really lacking, there is a grind to get up in level but is still fun



This series have been pretty amazing and the whole RPG element brings on some new style into it love the characters in this too, some nice graphics and gameplay on top of that so nice game indeed


This is nice

While its an older game still seems to be some fun here To start off this review is kind of hard because Theres a lot of nifty stuff about this game I found no lackluster points if there are any points that need some work There it was a divine piece of work, Cant say that the camera shaking was all that fun lol


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