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This was a fun side scroller space game it gets fast real quick with some nice gameplay the art is simple but that also keeps it fun, I think you could use more medals anyways nice game


0mgRod responds:

Thank you for your feedback! Development has been stopped because I may or may not have lost the game files (or they are somewhere deep inside my downloads folder). I am working on another space shooter game just like this one but it is top-down and you can move it freely. Hopefully you might like that.

The game will be on my alt @OmgRod.

- OmgRod

Very addictive

This game was actually pretty fun So my Impression of this is that you have done good here you have something decent and interesting Your Representation in this game is wanky and positive, The coin collecting was very good the extra stuff like magnet and oother elements made it compettitive Awsome indeed Thats what has allured me here and I was taken back by how interesting this really is so nice effort you have put fourward on this, Overall a fun collecting game here


JG0328 responds:

Thanks for playing!!

Fantastic pong

I like the classic feel on the pong game here I found this to be pretty fantastic so this was pretty fun for a pong game it dazzles with fun I found it to be a fun pong game here and you can't go wrong with that you have gone and gave us this pong and it's a nifty game brings some fun, another fun pong game


Can be better

Well notbad, I was taken back by how interesting this really is it was ok, the music was abit loud, but not a problem, the game itself has many gliches with things popping up and stuff but still kinda fun


OK it was better, so you didnt like my last review thats cool, i get that when people hear the about things they dont like, anyways its a rather good game, it does need more (this is the part where i tell what it needs) anyways i didnt do that last time so here it goes, the grey backround Ground, is kinda plain add more realistic ground, trees, land mines etc, and give it some hard levels like lots more enemies or atleast some, it seemed to run abit slow, probably due to the large screen trust me i have seen it happen time and time again, the shooting was great though, no lag there, and the controll of the tank was cool aswell, might also want to make a better menu screen it was plain and just kinda messy, make a sleeker design amd something that will keep me interested, well not so one line is it, thank you.



I love the green it made it feel like an old classic gameboy game Alright you have some good ideas here and I like the concept of this whole thing There was no real lackluster points or anything really lacking, Love the mechanics of the plant seemed to work well Infact there was not anything unnecessarily done on here This was a professional meathod and this can really thrive from your ideas, Fun and simple platformer good concept


Wow nice

First of all I like the music the game starts off good but gets drasticly hard, You have engineered something very professional here something delightful and something of good interest here I was glad to have found this game, Graphics and art is very good I didnt find anything that was lacking or anything like that So eliminating anything to take away from this would be out of the question, overall a fun skill and strategy game



Well I got a little chuckle out of this even after the boink sound lol, some added props would be nice, even some animated ones it an interesting look and visual on this fun dress up game



Well it was kinda neat, does need a propper preloader though, Another fun game here and you bring on some nice ideas with this specific game nice board though hope you make more



WEll notbad, cool music, and it was abit different type of car game, the control was cool, would be neat if it had some more music options like from the audio portal or somthing.


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